Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Does it get any better than this?
I wasn't sure how these would all turn out but I have to say that they are just wonderful! I am so glad that we did this!!!
This is quite a group!!! Kimball, Kaden, Kyra and their cousins Haylee and Grace were willing at the end of a long day to let us throw them on top of each other for this great picture.
This is why we pay professional photographers!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

What a day!!!

So, it turns out that a little thought I had a few weeks ago that I had no idea would go anywhere has taken off. Lindsey was so upset one day about the kids she works with over at her school. We started talking about volunteering and what we could do to help. I actually thought it was somewhat silly, but I said that it would be nice to find a way to make little fleece blankets for all of the kids at the elementary school she works with. I thought that it would be nice for the kids at our school, who are by and large rather priveleged, to gather the money and tie these blankets to give to these other children for Christmas. And so... I took it to the principal of our school and she said YES! And then she got the teachers on board and then they got other parents on board and it is just amazing! It is sort of surprising to me tonight how much impact one little idea, or one phone call can actually make. We are raising the money this week and buying the fabric next week and cutting it the next week and the kids are tying the blankets on the 13th! What an exciting thing. Well, that's all for tonight. I continue to be so happy with all that life is sending our way these days. Some days I wish life would just ignore me for a little while...even just 24 hours...but then things would just be boring.
So here he is...the King. Kimball is now 10 years old and it is just shocking sometimes. It is all pretty shocking sometimes actually. He is loving his school where he is in the 4th grade. He still thinks girls are dumb, which we are grateful for. He has some great friends and he is growing up way too fast.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

It is really late for me now so I will go to bed like the rest of my family...but I will put pics up tomorrow of Kimball...can't forget about him!!! Good night!
Princess Kyra
Kaden had lost a tooth here and just had to share with everyone!!!
You just can't help but love this little girl. Kyra just won a pretty cool award at school for a painting that she did of her favorite place...the park. She had to get her nails done with me today. It was so fun watching her as she watched her nails getting pretty. Not that I like to brag about my kids, but how did she get so pretty??
Kaden, Kyra and Kierstin unwittingly hamming it up for all of you to see and enjoy just a few weeks ago. What more can I say???


It has been a pretty amazing Thanksgiving week. We are so lucky to have been able to have so many members of our family here and enjoy our 80 degree holiday. Mom and Dad actually dared to have all of the grandchildren sleep over for two nights. The kids all said they had a great time. Of course, Kimball is now too old for little kid folly. It is becoming harder to entertain him these days. He is not bad by any definition, just growing up. In some ways it is amazing to see him changing into a young man, but in other ways, it is so very sad to see him grow out of the wonder of being little. I just tucked them all in for their last late night before Church tomorrow (changed to 11 a.m.---very grateful for that) and I walked back down the stairs to our beautiful little house, all clean because Larry has been busy. Everything smells like the chocolate chip cookies we made for our late night treat. The Christmas tree is up and lights the front living room. Everyone is sleeping. Well, almost...just as I wrote those words a little bird starting her chirping, no doubt woken up by the sound of Larry's snoring. She is quiet again and life is still. It is in these moments that I can stop and just smile at all the crazy wonderful things that happen all around me every day. Kierstin found out that she could roll from one end of the living room to the other today in the cutest little candy cane striped pajamas that Amber sent over. Kyra felt it necessary to help her from time to time. Atticus enjoyed being able to lick her hands at his own level. We all watched her figure it out and of course Larry and I remembered doing that with each of our other little monsters. That is the bittersweet part of them growing up...seeing them move toward something great means that they have to move away from something we cherish. It is all amazing, but I love the little days when a treat or a hug solves the problems of the world...now they are figuring out that we don't ACTUALLY know everything. We just guess most of the time. But it is worth every moment. So, for tonight, I am endlessly grateful for this priceless moment in my home...quiet, warm chocolate chip cookie, tree lit love. I know you will all mock my corny entry...but it's what I got at this hour. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Round 1

Um, hi...I have just stumbled into this blogging thing and it looks like a great way to keep our family updated and to share pictures. Let's see how this works.