Friday, August 17, 2012

Days are slipping

It is so late.  I am not the least bit tired.  I should be but my brain is on overdrive at the moment.  Scheduling.  Kids.  School.  Larry.  Travel.  KIDS!  Holidays.  Wedding.  Church.  Responsibility.  All of this...every last bit of it means more to me than I can say.  I am eternally grateful for the challenges and opportunities that line this path I am on.  My brain is feeling a little like a hamster in a cage though. I turned 39 this week.  Enough said.  Ha!  I am happy to be ending my 30's.  A lot happened in this past decade and much of it was wonderful.  I will always be grateful for this time in my life as it has once again completely redefined itself.  Kids go back to school in a week which signals new changes for us, as individuals and as a family.  I know well that I must do all that I can to keep up with that and to take care of myself along the way.  Sleep is fighting me but it is absolutely time for me to try to fight back and sitting at this computer, staring at calendars and to do lists will simply not do.

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