Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

It's hard to believe that we have reached the end of 2006! What an unbelievable year it has been. We had Kimball turn 10, Kaden turn 7 and Kyra turn 5! (And she started school!!!) Kierstin joined us this year after what must have been one of the most trying times of our lives. Our family was reunited in what can only be described as a blessing hard earned. There were a few moments when I was unsure of how we would overcome all of it...and then I would look around at all that I am blessed with and remember that the only option was to get up and find a way to move on in happiness. My faith was tested as well as my perspective...but I am happy to report that all is well in our home. Larry stays busy with exciting projects. The children have new friends like you see with Kaden in one of my favorite pictures. That is Jackson in that picture with Kaden. He lives next door and is around alot. We also had the great privelege of moving into this house. The blessings of that move happen every day. I am so proud of my kids and how they have handled themselves and all of the storms around them these past years. They deserve a little peace. Kimball is growing up so fast and I love that every night all he wants to do is talk before he goes to bed. Kaden is still playing baseball and wants to get back to it in the spring. Kyra is bound and determined to be a professional singer...a star, she says. I think I remember saying that as well...oh, wait...I still say that. :) Kierstin is a true joy and a blessing. I take her everywhere with me and I am constantly amazed by what an angel she is. She truly has a remarkable spirit and always has a way of making people smile. The girls down at the school just love her.

We had the honor of participating in a project that looks as if it might happen again. The little blanket project that could did so much more than I thought it would and everyone who had any involvement in it was so proud of what we were able to do. My children had the chance to deliver the 550 blankets and could not stop saying how great it was. Kimball said that he had never had to say "you're welcome" so many times. It was remarkable.

It is hard to believe that it is now time to move on to a new phase in our lives. We have so many babies around and our family is amazing. There is no greater joy for me than to know that so many of us are here and taking care of each other. We have so much to be thankful for and I can't wait to see what the new year brings.

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