Saturday, February 20, 2010

Red Cast

He is terrible with pictures!  Kimball is now sporting the latest in cast fashion trends: red.  It looks amazing with black sharpie now scribbled all over it.  Lots of adoring fans have left their autograph.  I will have to share a photo of that one tomorrow.  He has been a pretty good sport about this whole broken wrist thing. It would make me crazy!

Well, it's late on a Friday night and I made the mistake of thinking that I might just "fall asleep" since I was so tired.  I know that for most people that is normal, but for some strange reason, I have to have some kind of sleep medication to actually get me there.  So, it's nearly 3 in the morning and I am awake. Scrolling.  Reading.  Coveting cool furniture on craigslist.  Blogging.  It seems to have fallen off of the to do list for me.  I got sort of tired of listening to myself ramble on here.  And then I got chastised by more than one person in the last week for not keeping up.  Sorry folks!

Oh, here's a funny thing.  For some reason Kierstin is telling anyone and everyone that her daddy is a "skier in the Olympics and he is really fast".  I suppose that since we keep telling her that he is there, and then she sees the competition on tv, usually with some masked athlete skiing "really fast", it must certainly be Larry.  Funny story from the princess.  She has so much to say these days.  Her days are now filled with storytelling, to anyone who will listen.  It is funny and endearing.

Well, Saturday is setting up to be a busy work day here.  Closets, and laundry, and back yard clean up and car wash and on and on.  You know what they say...Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for does that tune go???

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