Thursday, February 18, 2010

Still here...

Snow days!  It was quite the spectacle around here.  More snow than we have seen here...well, ever.  We played and played.  Snow angels, snow men, snow cones, snow forts...and a broken wrist, thanks to Kimball and his buddies trying to bust down a snow fort that was more ice than snow.  We also had Brittany and her family here with us for the fun.  As you see, there was playtime with dolls and lots of picture taking.  I love that these girls, despite their squabbles from time to time, have each other.  It wouldn't be family without a few squabbles though, right?

And then there are the Olympics!
My kids are a little on the jealous side with this photo.  We debated whether to take them all out for the games and decided against it.  There are moments; however, that I wish that we could have made it happen.  The experience of being there and watching these athletes is unbelievable.  I feel pretty certain that this won't be our last Olympic opportunity so we will try for the next ones.  I know, Larry has said that he wouldn't choose to do another Olympic games, but I kinda think he is nuts when he says that.  There's London and then Russia and then Rio.  Odds are that someone will sweet talk him into sticking around. 


Take a look at those cute girls!  Like I said, we had Brittany and Bo and Olivia and Billy and Josie here in our snow storm/ olympic opening weekend.  It was a joy to have them here.  We headed out to the Science Museum in Fort Worth, and despite the drive and busy side of things, I loved it.  The kids had a good time and that's what it is for, right?  

This one is just funny.  I was upstairs last night, getting kids in bed and Kimball comes to me and says, "Mom, why is Kierstin face planted on the stairs?"  I answered with a confused and frustrated, "I have no idea".  He insists on me coming to see and this is what I found.  Now, don't be alarmed, she is fine.  She staged this one and is laughing into the carpet when I see her.  She is sure that she can't get up though.  Clearly, she got up and found herself in bed a short time later.  This is a new stall tactic on her part.

Updates:  Well, I am taking voice lessons again.  Kinda cool, kinda weird.  I haven't decided if I am liking this program just yet.  I do love singing again though.  Kimball started taking drum lessons, but of course his little break in his wrist causes a delay there, so he will get back to it in a few weeks.  (Oh, and I had to buy Kimball MAN JEANS!  He is out of the kid section for sure!)  Kaden tried out for baseball last night and he was great.  I am so proud of him.  He is really growing up.  Kyra is enjoying the piano now more than she is in the past.  She has loathed it so getting her to enjoy it is a big deal.  Kierstin is more and more stubborn.  She is sure that she is the sun and we are all just planets revolving around her.  Most days, I love being one of those planets, but there are times when the princess needs to be tamed a little.  She is turning 4 sooner than I can imagine.  This growing up thing is going faster every day.  I just registered Kimball for 8th grade and Kierstin for our last year of preschool!  So, so strange.

Larry is ready to come home and we are ready for him.  Just a couple more months.  We have made it this far, right?  I am tired just thinking about it.  I need to sit on a beach.  For a whole summer.


  1. ok- that one of Kiersten is HYSTERICAL!!!!!

  2. Oh, I'm so jealous about the Olympics, too!
    Sorry, I never got back to you about the jewelry! We mostly supply a few local boutiques right now and have them do the selling for us.
    Everything we make is recycled from vintage jewelry (and other odds and ends), so everything's one of a kind. But, we do some custom order stuff, too. (Like if you have a neat piece at home you want worked into a necklace.)
    We are working on getting our new web site up and running, so I'll send you a link when it's done!
    Hope everything's great in TX!

  3. HOORAY... I am so glad to see fun stuff on a blog...everyone else is so lame with this facebook have done great with everything...thanks for all you do and for those crazy little kiddos...

  4. Shawn White is amazing. I had to look twice when I saw that pic. Cool!
