Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's get this started, shall we?

It's been a pretty long time since I sat down and submitted any thoughts to the universe...or the few of you who actually might read this.  I am working on some plans for the imminent Holidays and have had a few people ask me to share...which is one of the reasons I had a blog to begin with, right?  So.  Let's try this again.  I will drag in some of the old blog so that we can look back at ideas from years past and link up to amazing sites that keep me going.  I will post pictures now and again, and as always, feel free to leave a comment.

So, we are now officially 12 more working days away from Christmas morning.  That means a couple of things to me.  One, I will use the 12 days of Christmas as a theme for the next two weeks. Two, I will need to get on top of some lists here pretty soon, otherwise...well, insanity.  You know how that goes.  In the coming 12 days I also have the following to-do's:

Prepare gifts for both girls' dance classes (I'm thinking Snowman Soup)
Scottish Rite with Kimball on Tuesday.
Cookies for Kyra's Activity Days meeting for this Tuesday.
Plan party for Kierstin's DKH preschool holiday party for this Thursday.
Have family pictures taken.
Teacher gifts for kids parties this week.
Gift for friend birthday party this Friday.
T-shirt order for upcoming Family Reunion. (next week!)
Finalize all plans for above.  Photographer.  Food.  Presents.  Oh MY!
Kids out of school early on Friday for a two week break.
Larry is traveling part of this week and part of next week.  Who wants to place bets on Larry getting stuck in an airport in Chicago on his way back home for Christmas next week?

That is all in 7 days.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, finish Christmas present shopping, wrapping and stashing.
Gingie and the Elves are coming in tonight.  (love THEM! not)
Family begins to arrive this weekend.  And then the rest of the next week is a blur I am intensely excited about.

All in all, that's a lot to do.  Yeah...let's see how this goes.  I will link up some ideas and explanations as requested.  When I find things I love, I will share.

Let's try this again...

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