Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Come on woman, DANCE!

I am a people watcher by trade. Always have been. Started many years ago in theatre classes when we were told that one of the best ways to research a character was to watch other people in their "natural habitat". That is a habit that has never gone away. When I had the chance to attend a large scale concert this past weekend I had some prime people watching opportunities. Prime.

So I watched. I watched a seasoned performer brought to his knees by the excitement and energy in a packed arena. I watched back up singers shine, even in the back! I saw young men with wild mohawks singing every word of every Garth Brooks song. I saw women, old and young, sway to old songs that carry similar memories from different eras. I watched as they danced. Nearly every person in that arena danced.

One particular woman caught my attention. I watched as she slowly swayed at first. Then as the night went on she began to clap. Sway and clap. Smiling the entire time. Looking around her, maybe out of insecurity? Maybe to see what else was happening around her. As the night went on I saw her come out of her shell and I felt myself clapping for her a bit. Excited to see her discovering that she was having more fun that she thought she might. By the end of the night she was singing and clapping and swaying and smiling and even dancing! She was thoroughly enjoying herself and I could tell that she had not expected to feel quite so free.

As we walked away from that concert I realized that I had not expected it at all. That woman was me. For the rest of the night I felt slightly giddy that I had let go just a little, just enough to really have fun at an amazing concert. It's always been a little harder for me to just let go like that...to feel free enough to dance like no one is watching, as they say.  I did sing every word to every song and by the end...and I most definitely danced!

Find your song. Find your freedom. Paint. Sing. Write. Shine. Whatever it is that makes your heart flutter just a bit more. And for the love of all that is good in the world, make sure you dance!

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