Sunday, September 20, 2015

Never Underestimate the Suburban Housewife

Had an interesting chat earlier this week that has left quite an impression on me this week.
With the start of a new school year we always get the chance to make new friends. As we get to know each other we share little bits and pieces about our lives. Now I am not one to share a whole lot, especially as I get older. Not sure why that is but because I have managed to find lasting friendships with a few dynamic women who carry a special place in my life I have not gone out of my way to make new friends, as they say. That's a different discussion. Back to this one...

So as we chatted I shared a little bit about my history, which includes acting and singing...again, I don't usually talk about that stuff. Bear in mind, this was a short chat, maybe 5 minutes. This incredibly sweet girl said something to the effect of "you can do all that and you are here?"  So... I have no doubt that her intention was to be wowed by my suggested talent and to suggest that I could do more than what I am doing...and that is true. I know that. But it also felt a little bit like "why in the world would you have talent and not use it?" (also a fair question)

Then a couple of days later I had the opportunity to watch my youngest daughter learn choreography for a new dance from a woman I have great respect for. A woman who has had an incredible career but now works her days from home taking care of her family in a beautiful Suburban home here in our town, which as a description far underestimates what she does every day. If you didn't know that; however, you might look at her and assume she is just another busy mom who has surrendered her life to her kids and family. You might never realize the talent that she is. And then that chat came to mind again. "You can do all that and you are here?"

As I thought about that I thought of all of the amazing women that I have the privilege of working and serving with, passing every day in the carpool lane, all of us tired and overspent and desperately underestimated. What do you assume when you pass her in the carpool line?

Here is what you should assume...

She is talented, intelligent, stunning and graceful far beyond what you see of her today. She is educated. She is a writer, a dancer, a teacher, a philosopher, an actor, a pianist, a sculptor, a vocalist, a scientist. She is many things. She will hide behind her task lists and children, her tired eyes and lonely nights waiting on everyone else to be home and in bed before she can actually rest. Some of us have jobs, maybe beneath our talents but they pay bills or provide insurance or time with cherished friends. That woman, every single one of us, is more fabulous than you can fathom. We are here because we choose to share our awesome with our families and communities and schools, which would all be far less incredible without our level of awesome.

And let's be clear, we are awesome.

I am that awesome.

So when you see one of us in the carpool lane, applause would be deserved but a smile or a wave will suffice. And if you are one of us...I see you! Don't hide your awesome! EVER!

And don't you dare...ever for one second...underestimate the Suburban housewife.

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