Monday, June 18, 2007

Another Monday

Kierstin is not walking all the way just yet, but she does like to take about four or five steps...and then she lays down.

This was Father's Day. I love this picture of Mom and Dad with the babies. I just wanted to share.

And now...stayed tuned for my next rant.

This is my day: we wake up late because we have been up with a tremendous storm in the middle of the night. It was the kind of storm that made me bring each of my sleeping children downstairs to sleep one in my bed, two in the "cave" and the baby in the play pen. The lightning was unbelievable. So, we wake up late. We have to be at swim lessons by 10 which means we have to leave by 9:30 and we wake at 9. So, we are running a little to get everyone together. Larry is staying home with the promise of a new big job. We get there, by the way, Kierstin is sick...not happy. We get there, get everyone set up and we realize that we have forgotten goggles, which Kimball simply cannot swim without and I am an idiot for even considering it. I then here Kaden quietly say, "oh crap", in response to just realizing that he had walked out of the house, gotten into the car and driven all the way to the gym without shoes on. SO, we are late, we have forgotten many things, I have eaten nothing, the baby doesn't feel well...but we get Kaden in on time. Kimball and Kyra get ready to swim in the "outdoor pool" while lessons are going in the inside pool. Remember the bad weather from last night? Well, it had one more good laugh at us this morning. Kimball jumps in, I sit down getting the baby who does not feel well situated and Kyra comes to me to use the restroom and the thunder starts, then the rain, then the lightning...which closes all pools. Ha ha, right? And that was all before 10:30 am.

We come home, I get Kierstin ready to go to the doctor. She ends up with just a cold that has to pass but she is really angry when we have to force a breathing treatment on her. But, we get home and all is quiet. I then get the good news that Larry has booked a massage for me because I have been complaining of a sore back for a few days. What a treat that was. I feel restored so I offer pizza and family movie night to the kids. Pizza goes okay. Movie was resisted at first because they all just want to play with their friends, duh. But, they give in and we set to watching "bend it like beckham"...which I really enjoy but quickly realize that the children are not interested. One by one they leave my family night, with my permission of course. They play, I watch the movie and then it's bed time. Kierstin decides its time to throw up with all of the coughing she is doing. I have failed to mention the ongoing battle of wills today with Kimball. He is now old enough to think that he is entitled to an opinion and an argument with his mother. He is not nearly as afraid of me as I was of Mom. That is something that will have to be remedied if we are to make it through the teenage years. He is a beautiful, intelligent, well mannered, genuinely good kid, but boy did he inherit my temper. So, after another welcoming breathing treatment, talking a little sense into Kimball and sweet good nights, everyone is down...but I still hear Kierstin coughing in the baby monitor. I wonder what kind of night this will be. Hopefully it will not include flooding.

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