Monday, June 4, 2007

Holy Crap with all this Rain!!!

I have had it! I am so sick of the rain. I don't know how people live in Seattle. I guess that living there one would come to expect it...but here...I don't. I was expecting sun today and was ready to make myself put on a swimsuit...a task I despise...and go to the pool and I hear thunder. For the remainder of the day Kyra has reminded me of what a bad mother I am for not letting her go swimming today. I suppose she thought I might let her swim in the lightning and hail. I suppose she thinks that I control the weather. I am important and all, and I may be capable of many things...but controlling the weather is not in my bag of tricks.

In other news, Brittany had a boy today. His name as of this morning was Jackson Taylor...but she was not sure once he was I am not sure where that will fall. But he is healthy and happy and I am assuming cute as I have not seen a picture yet. The technology in those parts is not quite up to speed. :)

Oh, funny thing! The other day Larry and I were laying in bed watching "Celebrity Fit Club", which is not a show I watch except that Screech had a big fight with Marsha Brady and I was laughing my head off. Anyway, they are weighing in and Larry nonchalantly asks me how much I weigh. Mind you, in all the years we have known each other he has never once asked me that question. I am not bothered by it because I have said my weight to him before...he just never remembers. SO, I tell him that I now weigh 175 pounds...aghast as I am by that number on me he then says, "Wow, I didn't think you weighed that much. I would not have guessed that...................(long pause).......Wow." So, now I am keenly aware of the number. 175! I have never weighed that much and now Larry knows that it is higher than he thought. Now, one might say that I should be happy that he didn't think that it was that high as I don't look like I weigh that much...and there is that. BUT! He is then prompted the next day to make sure that we are both eating really well and that we both go to the gym. SO...the moral of the story is that while I knew that I weighed too much, someone else knowing that you actually do weigh too much and then experiencing a "Wow" moment are two different things. Needless to say, I went to the gym and took all my vitamins and ate around 1400 calories today. That is motivation.

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