Thursday, February 26, 2009

For Larry. Part 2.

So,  needless to say, Kierstin did not take a  nap.  But, she is in bed now!!!  Freshly bathed and sleeping soundly.  She was a busy little bird today.  Here is a look at how the rest of our day went.

For Larry. Part 2.

So, needless to say, Kierstin did not take a nap. But, she is in bed now!!! Freshly bathed and sleeping soundly. She was a busy little bird today. Here is a look at how the rest of our day went.

Homework on the deck, muddy buddy fingers, Kimball being Kimball, Kaden and Jackson at the computers, and Kyle teaching the little monkeys how to torture Kimball.  Too much fun!

For Larry. Kierstin's morning.

Well, I think I have decided to make a concerted effort to photograph the things Larry is missing on his trip.  So, periodically you will see photos that you may or may not care about.  This morning's subject is Kierstin as we happen to have all of the others in school.  So, this is what the morning has looked like with Kierstin.

I snuck up on her "reading" to her bear.

 When she realized I was there she asked if I would read with her.
 Then we spent a fair amount of time outside in the kitchen, cleaning the deck, dragging out toys and relishing the warmth of the sun.
And now?  She is in bed.  Napping?  Nope, talking.  We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dinner: A Fancy Affair

Needless to say, this was just funny to me.  We have had these glasses in our cabinet for a long time.  Long time.  Kimball discovered them tonight and one by one they each decided that one was necessary for their drinks as well.  We had a relatively lame dinner actually.  Turkey breast (pre-seasoned/ terrible), mac and cheese and veggies.  Somehow, these glasses made it extraordinary.  

Five plates at our dinner table is not nearly enough.  I miss him.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When it rains...

So, Larry is in Vancouver now for all of maybe 6 hours.  They have already offered him a full time position.  14 months.  We don't know many details yet and he isn't sure that he wants to take it but with the economy as it is, he is concerned about saying no.  He does have other work that could potentially keep him very busy but the risk is still there.  Who knows!  All I know is that 7 days ago he was FREAKING out about not having enough work and now he doesn't know which way to turn first.  While that is a better position to be in, we are not sure which way is the best.  Vancouver is cold, by the way.  Colder than Chicago.

Airplanes and Eskimo Kisses

Airplanes and Eskimo Kisses

3 weeks down, 3 to go.  (well, sort of)  

Larry came home yesterday and we enjoyed every minute.  He and I  went to lunch with Kierstin yesterday and this is how they spent their time waiting for Brisket Tacos.  (delish)  They are so sweet and funny together.  There is never a time when it doesn't melt my heart to see them together.  We just got back from taking Larry back to the airport for his trip to Vancouver.  He is headed  up there for some test events for the Winter Olympics.  As soon as he gets back he has to head right back out though.  Chicago.  For 3 more weeks.  Uh huh.  And then straight to New York for 2 weeks.  That means he will have been traveling for 12 weeks.  Sadly, the industry is struggling so he is taking all that he can.  I just hate the toll this is taking on him.  We are all hanging in there and working together but it is a hard thing to be apart.  

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Sunday Morning

We woke up to a beautiful day.  Warm sun, cool air, kids all cozy on the couch waiting for breakfast that does not involve cereal or toaster waffles.  Kaden was particularly interested in helping so he got the bacon all situated on the pans as I got the pancakes started.  Somewhere in there Larry called and we got to say good morning.  The girls are now climbing the stairs to play together after filling up on Sunday morning yummies.  In a short period of time, the Church preparations will begin and I pray for continued peace on that front.  We shall see.  I so hope that you are enjoying your morning as well, wherever you are.  Good morning.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Well, it seems that the jury is out on the choice between blogs.  So, for now, you can check two blogs.  Perhaps one will be strictly family updates and photos and the other will be all about me.  Who would have thought?  I mean, things about me will inevitably be about the family as well at times, but we will just see how this rolls.  I will keep a post over there that links the two and you can read at will.

Have a wonderful night!


Well, it seems that the jury is out on the choice between blogs.  So, for now, you can check two blogs.  Perhaps one will be strictly family updates and photos and the other will be all about me.  Who would have thought?  I mean, things about me will inevitably be about the family as well at times, but we will just see how this rolls.  I will keep a post over there that links the two and you can read at will.

Have a wonderful night!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Still open...for now.

So, I like to look at the blog roll over there and see what's new and I thought you might as well.  Wordpress has not, or I have not found the way to add that on my other blog.  Sorry for all of the back and forth, but I am fickle.  :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Make the move with me.

I have to do it.  I have to move to wordpress.  I just can't pretend that it's not THAT much easier and more pleasant.  I have loved blogging here and will leave this up for the time being, but only to provide a link to the now active blog at wordpress.  Mark your bloglists, update your blog stalking and come on over.  It's still me, just in a better format.

Come on.  You know you want to.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I give up!

Ok, people.  I have looked and looked and while I do understand that there are benefits to the blogspot thing, I have not found a layout that I love.  I really love the one over at wordpress and it is so user friendly,'s easy for me to make it cute!  If I can't find one I like over here at blogspot...I will have to insist that you change my blog address in your blog lists and make the big bold move with me.  Ok?

Just so you know

It appears that my move to another server has left me with less readers and the vain side of me is uncomfortable with that.  So.  I am playing with tools and layouts to see if I can make a happy home here at blogspot.  Still looking!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Try again

I think I figured out how to fix the picture sizing issue.  See what you think.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A possible Web move

I am playing with moving my blog over to wordpress.  Take a look and let me know which way you prefer this little diatribe of mine.  If you don't care either way, tell me.  It seems a little more usable over there and a lot easier to upload pictures and such.  Hope you are having a great day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

In my morning routine, I often look for insight in the writings of others. This morning I stumbled into this post over at "By Common Consent".  I posted a link to that blog for your reference but I really loved this post.  We face this with Kimball and indeed with lots of our youth.  I found this to be simple and sweet and very true.   I am grateful for people who are willing to share their stories such as these.

So is that the Church I want to join?
By: Margaret Blair Young - January 26, 2009
I took two of my children to a Black Baptist church last year, bribing them with the possibility of some great music. It worked. They both accompanied me, and they loved it. My son could never remember the name of this other church, but he’d later ask me, “What’s the name of that church where they play the drums and guitar?” And sometimes, “What’s the name of that other church I want to join?”

He frankly does not enjoy Mormon church services — and I believe his feelings should be considered. He represents many others. The stats are rather depressing. We are losing our youth. Good, wake-up music would help us retain some.

Nonetheless, we are not in church for the music.

So, for my son, this is what I would say:
Son–I admit it. We could do better. But, there is in the LDS Church a vision of you as an eternal being which you find in few other churches. (Those that believe in your eternal life tend to think you spent some time as an insect.) Our doctrine suggests that before you were formed in my belly, God knew your spirit, and that you knew your Heavenly parents and understood that mortality would be a time of essential growth in a timeless span. Some have called it a test. I call it PROVING GROUND. You will prove to God, to yourself, to your family (the one you’re in now and the one you will have) who you are. You will become greater than you had ever imagined. In the midst of your current growth spurt, those ever-demanding high school classes, and church meetings which feel like a long recording of scriptures by someone who apparently graduated in the study of monotony, you aren’t feeling much “proving” in the works. But there will come a time when you will need to know that because Jesus Christ accomplished the atonement, the resurrection will happen. So far, you’ve gone through funerals and even served as a pall bearer, but you haven’t been brought to your knees by the news that someone you love has died. You will.

You have been ordained to the priesthood, but you don’t yet understand it. Since I have seen your father grow in his own understanding, I fully believe you will do that as well. When you were small, you got very excited about our start-of-the-school year blessings. The idea of being like the rest of us was fun. You sat on the chair with your feet dangling eight inches above the floor, and your dad set his hands on your head to bless you. It was so cool that you had to contain your giggles. Now, it’s just another, “Aw, do we have to?” ritual. But my dear son, I have felt your dad’s hands on my head and sensed power which I know came from beyond him. He has told me things in blessings which I were answers to prayers I had never shared with him. He has blessed your brother and your sister in the midst of their pain, and the pain has instantly subsided. It doesn’t always happen that way, but I have seen it happen too many times to deny.

You’ve said you think all Christian churches are true. I agree. Every church which acknowledges that we all will eventually recognize that Jesus is the Christ is telling the truth. But I choose the particular vision of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I choose the vision of our own potential godliness–that we can literally be co-heirs with Jesus Christ of all the Father has. I choose the reality of continuing revelation, growth and repentance, for us as individuals, as a family, as a church, as a nation, as a world.

I want you to serve a mission, and for that mission to be only the beginning of a habit of service. I’ve taken you to places where you’ve seen poverty–but the poverty wasn’t nearly as important as what I showed you in its midst: JOY. You have met great men and women who happen to be very poor. You know their stories. I want you to know the stories of other great ones, and a mission puts you in position to do that and to develop the pattern of doing it.

As you imagine the divinity of a baby in swaddling clothes surrounded by barn animals, you can also imagine the possibilities of a child with AIDS in Africa, of a homeless man in Chicago, of a hare-lipped baby in Guatemala. Beyond seeing the nothingness of ourselves and our neighbors, true Mormon doctrine tells us that we all are the work and glory of God. I know of no more magnificent doctrine.

It’s no surprise that you aren’t thrilled by the prospect of three hours of recycled talks and lessons. But the truth is, you haven’t sensed your need for the Savior yet. Sometimes, your heart must be broken first. I remember seeing my brother–who was a lot like you–weeping as he partook of the sacrament. It was in the hospital, and he had survived an accident doctors said he couldn’t survive. It took months before he was strong enough for us to wheel him–IVs intact–to the hospital’s sacrament meeting. His hand was weak as he lifted the bread to his mouth, and I wondered if I should help him. But he managed, and I saw the tears come down his cheeks. I hadn’t ever seen those kinds of tears from him.

Be patient, Son. I’m guessing you’ve had glimmers of recognition that despite the monotony and slow hymns, we’re about something very important. If you continue, the glimmer will widen into a radiant circle, embracing you and everyone you love. Eventually, if you grow in love and charity, your heart, like Enoch’s, will spread “wide as eternity.”

That, to me, is the gospel at its core. Hang in there.

Sleep, anyone?

Yep.  I am awake.  Have been for some time now.  Kierstin took an incredibly long nap today, which is great but has caused a slight alteration to my personal sleep schedule tonight.  It would appear that I get to sleep in shifts tonight, a habit I have been out of for some time now.  She has mastered the art of a cry so sad and pitiful that I have no choice but to get her out of her bed and nestle her into mine.  She beams with pride when her ploy has worked.  One would suppose that would be the end of the shift change, but indeed, no.  Atticus found some scent at the front door that drove him to barking like a good watch dog would.  He would bark and then stop, and then bark again and then find a warm spot on the couch, still within proper position from the front door, just in case.  Now, it occurs to me for a moment that this strange scent could be that of a person up to no good.  And then he barks again.  Kierstin is now talking in complete sentences with no intention of going to sleep until I get the dog to sleep as well.  So, I get up and go to the door, something out of a horror movie that makes you want to scream at the leading ladies that are perpetually walking into danger, not that I watch those horrible movies because I don't.  Never been a fan of scary movies.  But, there I was, reaching for the light switch at the front door, Atticus in position to attack our would be attacker, and I hear it.  The sound that has driven this dog crazy and has me awake at this silly hour, a cat.  A cat from the neighborhood.  A CAT!  Yes, he is a good "guard dog".  Kierstin then comes toddling out of my room.  Happy as a clam.  Too big to be the baby anymore, but still holding onto that role with great conviction.  So, Atticus crawls back to his spot and I attempt to return to mine, only she is not having it.  No sir.  I am trying to think coherently and have no luck.  After a moment or two, I scoop her up and return her to her bed where Pooh bear and Kittie and all sorts of other friends await her.  She bounces into bed, quite literally, and then snuggles into her spot with all of her favorite friends.  Now, she sleeps.  But I do not.  Atticus sleeps.  I do not.  

The silver lining?  It is so quiet here.  The house sleeps, except for me and my Mac.  Let's hope that I have better luck in the next shift.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, some of you have wondered about the aforementioned auditions for "The Glass Menagerie".  Here's the scoop.

After I saw a performance at WaterTower Theatre, I thought to myself...they are incredible.  I wondered if I was really ready for that.  So, I did a little digging and found another, more local, audition.  Auditioned.  Got the part.  In a play.  BUT.  I decided to go ahead and audition for this other theatre.  I do believe that most of the time in auditions we are auditioning for something in the future.  Theatre companies are well aware of their talent when they decide to do a play.  So, I audition for future possibilities.  And to meet those responsible for the beautiful work I saw last week.  I don't know if I am jumping in with  both feet or just breezing in on the high I felt when I saw my name on a cast list for the first time in nearly 8 years, but there you go.  The audition is Friday.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Just in case you need something to crave.

Make this carrot cake!  


Monday, February 2, 2009

Official Announcement

I did it.  

I updated my resume, found my headshots, located a local community theatre auditioning for a very fun production and I set up an appointment and got myself ready and drove myself to an audition.  Where I auditioned.  

And got cast.  Yep.  Miss Prism. 

Who knew?

There are officially 6 performances in this quaint little theatre around the corner.  I will have to be a little creative in the rehearsal process, but we can do it, or so Larry tells me.  Remember that he is leaving for 6 weeks.  Yikes.  SO, there it is.  My first audition in 8 years.  I am actually still going to audition for WaterTower Theatre on Friday, if only to be seen and meet some of their team.  

So, there you have it.  I am in a play.