Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When it rains...

So, Larry is in Vancouver now for all of maybe 6 hours.  They have already offered him a full time position.  14 months.  We don't know many details yet and he isn't sure that he wants to take it but with the economy as it is, he is concerned about saying no.  He does have other work that could potentially keep him very busy but the risk is still there.  Who knows!  All I know is that 7 days ago he was FREAKING out about not having enough work and now he doesn't know which way to turn first.  While that is a better position to be in, we are not sure which way is the best.  Vancouver is cold, by the way.  Colder than Chicago.


  1. Ok, while I in no way want to support a move, Vancouver might actually be cooler than you'd think. Sure it's cold, mega-flipping-cold, but from what I hear, it's absolutely beautiful. It is a foreign country which, although quite similar to our beloved country, would still provide a somewhat unique experience for the kids. And although you would certainly be missed around here, I guess we could let you back in in 14 months, as long as you don't say "Eh" after every sentence.

    Ok I'm just trying to be supportive here. Were you fooled? Yeah, the answer is still no. :)

  2. Oh, and this time, the kids are old enough for the Olympics to be really cool for them.

    But still... no! hehe
