Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So, someone told me that the pumpkins were a little much, so lets try this background for a bit.

It's a rainy Tuesday morning and I have just sent my three older children to school, one had missed 4 days plus Monday off for Columbus Day, one missed three days and said Monday, and the other missed one day plus. So, how much fun do you suppose this morning was? Pleasant? Blissful? All on time? No, no and no. We managed to get everyone out the door with only tears once from Kaden and Kyra and lots of coughing from Kimball. Waiting for more fever from that one. Kierstin is home with her own version of the fever/ cough/ runny nose, with cute pink cheeks to match. So far she is pleasant. (I shouldn't say that out loud though.)

I have pictures to share of various activities in the last week or so, and will do so later. The camera is in the car and it is, at present, raining quite a bit. I have pictures of Kaden's 10th birthday, Tyson being Tyson, and everyday fun from the Ganson house. It's been a busy couple of weeks, hampered with sickness and a nasty ingrown toenail for the big guy. That was bad. All in all, we are scooting through these days hanging on with all hands possible and trying to slow down when slow down is necessary. Laundry has piled a little, Larry would be itching by now, but all is well.

Here we are in October, facing the imminent emergence of a teenager in our midst and the fast approaching Holidays. I love, love, love this time of year. It will not be the same with Larry in Vancouver, as he is a big part of the heart of our celebration. I can honestly say that this trip has been harder than I thought it would be in many ways. We are fine, as always, but there are moments when I think we might not be...moments when sleep is the only way to end the frustration for one day and start over with optimism in the morning. We are optimistic this morning. Rain, cool air, and kids in school. I think I shall relax for a bit and then dive into the laundry before it takes over.

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