Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gratitude wrap up...

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It is hard to believe that we are already facing December, full speed ahead.  Now, I would like to say that I am ready for it...but that would be a lie.  I am still sort of trying to get caught up from the summer.  Not kidding.  Now, I am up to the task and excited to move in the direction of Christmas and giving and family and fun.  Every single day of December is fun for me.  (Gasp!  Does this mean that we are minutes away from 2010?  My heart is beating a little faster at the thought.)  Advent book is out, the stockings will go up tomorrow, the elves have made their appearance and the lists are being made for Santa.  Larry is out of town again, but home in a couple of weeks to spend 2 whole weeks with us.  As much as I am looking forward to that, I am also hesitant to see it come and go as we will then be without Larry for several months.  It is all part of this crazy business that we agreed to, so onward we press.

I am abundantly grateful for family today, well every day, but particularly this week.  Jon and Jess and Tyson came to visit for the holiday week and I can't tell you how much fun it is to have them here.  When we have visitors, we generally have most of our family together throughout the week.  Visits to my house, fun birthday plans for Ty and time at Mom and Dad's all added up to a wonderful, pretty low stress week.  I know that being a part of a big family comes with its pros and cons, but seeing so many of us together, spending time with my sisters, watching these little monsters grow up together, it is all the stuff that makes me so proud to be a part of this family.  I am grateful for the spouses who continue to put up with/ love and adore each of us.  I am grateful for the peace and safety that we have had the privilege of enjoying.  We have had our struggles and broken bones, but we have been blessed in so many ways that it is hard to complain or even remember those times.  I am continuously grateful for Larry.  He works harder than anyone I know, save maybe my father.  He comes home and relishes time with our children.  He heads back out on yet another airplane knowing that we will be here when he gets back.

I am grateful for each of my four children.  For laughter and super fast growth spurts.  For scraped knees and wounded feelings that allow me a few precious moments to still be "mommy" to even the biggest of my little ones.  I love plotting and planning Holiday wishes for them, knowing that I get more out of their surprise and joy than they could ever know.  I am grateful for friends, especially those of you who truly look out for each other.  Those that go the extra 10 miles, for those who bake bread and share their talents, and play the piano at the last minute for a song in church.  (yes, you!)  I am grateful to be here in this little cove of the world to grow and learn and challenge...and love and laugh.  It is all so much that my heart might burst sometimes.

So, I say...December, bring it on!  I am happy to see you again.

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