Sunday, November 15, 2009

The morning after

Super Saturday is done.  Well, I have some clean-up to do and lots of organization to do from what turned out to be a wonderful activity.  It was busy, but once the day got started, it was very relaxed and enjoyable.  I loved having the opportunity to visit with my dear friends and watch as they all got to work on their various projects.  I got to sit and hold babies while they worked, and that was a treat indeed.  It was a very long day as we arrived at 8:30 in the morning, and then finally walked out of the building at 4:45.  My kiddos were well taken care of at Amber's house, a true gift for me...being the superwoman that I am and all.  :)

Which leads me to my gratitude today.  I am grateful for sisters.  Sisters that I grew up with and sisters that I love dearly that I have gotten the privilege of knowing.  I have so many amazing women in my life that have come to mean the world to me.  I learn from them, I laugh with them, I even cry with them.  I am grateful for a sisterhood within our church that knows know boundaries.  All over the world there are sisters just like me that lean on each other in times of trial and joy.  I have often marveled at the thought of life without that sisterhood and what a lonely journey that would be.  I am so grateful for each of the women who I call sister.  I am grateful to be so close to so many of my own sisters.   I wish that we had that one more sister down here, but life keeps her in Kansas.  The sisters that have married into our colorful family have added so much joy and well, color. I could go on and on, but today...I am grateful for all of the women in my life.  Thank you for your continued love and laughter.


  1. Good heavens, that was a fun day yesterday! Babies and crafts and good friends- nothing better! Thanks for all your hard work in pulling it together.
    I, too, am so grateful this morning for the marvelous sisterhood within the church. I can't imagine life without the love and support I am privileged to enjoy as a part of it.

  2. We are pretty great huh?! I do always feel sad for women who dont have the same group of "sisters" that I do. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by great women! Dont know how I would survive without them:)
