Sunday, January 10, 2010

No idea where the time has gone

Well, guess what?  It's 2010.  We did have Christmas.  We did, I promise.  The photos are all with Larry, I am afraid, or Michelle, or Nicole, or any number of others who were present.  I simply have no photos to share.  I am working up the courage to face the fact that another year has begun and that generally brings with it some measure of change, in the hopes that improvement will follow.  I am also sliding my way into getting our health under control and getting each of my children involved in something that they love.  I fear that we are all just sort of fumbling along doing things that we don't love, or don't mind doing, or that really are just tedious...but what are we doing that we love?  I realized that even the children apply to that as we enroll them in piano, scouts, church obligations and school...what do they love about most of that?  Yep.  You get the point. So, in recognition of the fact that I have a mere 5 years left at home with Kimball, I want to make sure that we find something...that he finds something that he loves and that we can support.  Kaden is back on the Baseball thing.  Kierstin will start a little dance class soon.  And Kyra...well, I don't know what to do with her.  One day she wants to swim, next day she wants to dance, then act (as long as she doesn't have to get on a see the irony there, right?), then back to swimming and she changes her mind about dance because she doesn't see the sense in "wiggling her butt all over the place".  Yep.  She said that.  So, we have to go back to the search with her as well, all in the hopes that we can find a place in the world for them to be motivated, excited.  I stand by the idea that too many classes and responsibilities simply stress a child out, but I also know that they need to be busy in some kind of work that keeps them focused and moving in a positive direction.

With that said, I am doing the same thing for myself.  I am working toward enrolling in a couple or three classes at NCTC in the next couple of weeks.  I am also back on board with my favorite eating plan, Meal Balance and look forward to that.  I may even look into some kind of music or dance class fun of my own.  I am excited about working toward improvement, not as New Years resolutions, but as tools to strengthen my family, and myself.

We are without Larry until April.  Many, many weeks.  Those weeks may prove to either be a period of simply "killing time", or they can be spent in the efforts of seeking after positive things, change, fun and laughter, and becoming closer to these little people I share this life with.  I hope to fill the pages of this little blog with photos and stories of improvements and highlights every week.

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