Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yep, can't sleep again.

I am up looking at these:

And wanting one of these:

When really what I need is to be doing this:

(you understand that I am the bear in this scenario, right?)

Ok, it's 2010.  It is.  It's the stuff of science fiction movies that it is actually 2010.  I was expecting silver jumpsuits and flying cars by now, but nope.  I suppose you could find such a jumpsuit, but I wouldn't recommend it.  Really.  Wouldn't.
So, what does it mean to be in this new year/ decade?  Well, my sleep patterns have to change, that's obvious.  I have a fair number of things I would like to address and improve upon in the new year.  Health, education, parenting, you name's probably on the list. I do intend to play more.  Play!  I want to institute a "Play Every Day" rule in our house.  Even if it's just 15 minutes of pure family fun, it will only be 15 minutes once you get past the whining and complaining and bickering.  Once we pass that though, pure fun.  Laughter.  Family building.  Fun.  Beyond that, I don't have a set plan except to say that I will be seeing my doctor for a new physical, seeing a chiropractor (I hope) for lots of ailments, and getting to work on that Meal Balance plan to get healthy.  I still have quite a number of training sessions to use at the gym, so the next three months while Larry is working will be dedicated to me.  I said it, ME.  I feel as if we had just such a conversation last year about this time, in fact, maybe every year.  But, I have a window of time that screams out "take care of yourself"!  Literally, screams.  The real truth is that if I don't, we may be enrolling me into some psych ward or mental hospital by the time Larry gets home.  We don't want that.

So, for now, no babies, no puppies, no new houses or trips...all distractions I occupy my time with.  My days will be dedicated to me, my job here at home and raising children.  By the way, what do you anticipate for yourself for the next decade?  You should think about that one.  Me?  Glad you asked.  I will graduate three children from high school.  Possibly send two on missions and then send three to college.  I will see my baby enter the 9th grade.  I will be 46.  Will I still be having the same conversations then about taking care of myself and finishing school?  I am aiming higher than that for the next decade.  I have little people to tend to that must be ready to go out into the world soon.  My job seems to have just gotten a little bit harder with that realization.  I better get to taking care of me so that I can take care of them.

Happy New Year Friends and Family!
More to come...


  1. I've tried to replace a baby with a puppy, and it doesn't work. It's actually quite awful and never turns out well.

    I want a baby, too. I can't have one no matter what. I'm stuck with this gnawing in my heart that can't be satiated. Boo!

  2. Oh sweet Natalie! I am so sorry. I know well that you have wanted another baby for so long. You are such an incredible mother and I know that between me and you, there is no doubt that any baby would be blessed to have you. I do know that the puppy substitution is a bad idea, especially in the guise of some cute cuddly little thing. I am sure that I would regret it in the end. I do love your "stones" ideas, by the way! I think I will borrow that over here in my camp. Happy New Year!
