Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Wow.  That is all I can say.  Wow!  June is coming to an end and July will be here in just a few moments, or days...but who's counting?  A few things have happened in June that merit documentation.  Here we go:

Let's see, with June came three new grades for my big kids: 8th, 5th and 4th.  That makes Kimball and Kaden the oldest on their campuses.  Hmm.  That means high school is a comin'.  Yeah, and kindergarden, but we will ignore that for just a bit.

We had Kimball at Scout camp and all evidence suggests that he actually had a really good time.  I haven't seen any pictures just yet, but he didn't come home screaming, so that's progress.  Kaden was set to go to his last year of Cub Scout Day Camp, but we had to move some things around and ended up going to San Antonio for five days.  It was a very fun trip.  We spent some time with Joe, Larry's dad, and his family.  (when Larry's mom died, Joe remarried and we love her)  We ate great Mexican food. We went to Schlitterbahn, SO MUCH FUN!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Angels are singing!

That pesky "read more" thing is gone!  I mean, I can still use it but the kind folks at Smitten Blog Designs did a very nice thing for me and corrected that little annoyance.  Thank you to Kate & Heather.  Be sure to check out their site as they have the best blog designs and extras I have found.  (Can you tell that I love them!)

Oh, the angels have even more to sing about today!  It's the last day of school!!!

Listen, I know well that we are likely the ONLY SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE STATE OF TEXAS who is still in school, but there it is.  In fact, a certain principal friend of ours joked about exams last night saying that any school that is still testing in the second week of June is crazy.  Yep!  We are!  But, (long pause) school is out in less that three hours and I am thrilled.  Next week about this time may be a tad different, but I am taking this moment to be grateful.

Here's a sneak peek of what's to come.  Enjoy!  (and don't forget, I'm taking this baby private today so if you want to be on the cool list...well, you know...send me an email.)

And so much more...

Monday, June 7, 2010

On the road again

New York this time. Not me, mind you...the husband. It is our last week of school and we are sailing through this last little bit of class time on our way to summer time freedom. Today; however, has been a bit much. Pool party for 90 4th graders, HOT, followed by a doctor's appt for Kaden who stepped on some foreign object while playing at the lake over the weekend that required a tetanus shot, a round of antibiotics and a little digging around his ankle with a razor blade. Yes, I was a bit queazy~ Then, back home to round up kids only to have to head right back to said doctor with Kyra who has a severe middle ear infection, leading to a course of antibiotics and eardrops...she hates that. So, back to gathering the chickens only to find that the captain has landed himself in detention, for all things...some ridiculous act called "gleaking". I don't even know how it's spelled. It's this stupid spitting thing that I am sure my father taught him how to do and he and some other boys were messing around in class. He got singled out and he wasn't happy. I thought it was funny had it not been for said captain's response of "the stupid teacher gave me a stupid detention for stupid..." you get the point. He had some extra chores to do today for that one. Drum practice, dinner and now bedtime awaits and I am avoiding it a little because it is quiet right here at my little desk in my corner of the world. I know, the work is joyous and I will put my happy face on and put the little angels to bed and then there will be quiet work in the kingdom tonight. I suppose in all of this, I can't complain really. We are safe and cozy and provided for and loved and have plenty of work to do and friends and family to love. That's my silver lining quote for the day.

Ah, the sounds of joy have just found their way down the stairs to tell on princess kyra. BEDTIME!

I am still working on this one.  I promise.

Drink more ovaltine.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Private Time

So, I have been considering something for some time now and I am now going to make a move. I am going private, my blog that is. I have had it open and felt compelled to attract visitors and share; however, I believe that it is time to take this back to what I intended it to be: a chronicle, a journal, a diary. Something that will be available to put into print form for my children. If you want to be a part of that, or if you are part of our family, please send me a quick note and I will add you. I will close up shop on our last day of school: June 10th. (who has to go to school so late in the summer, I ask you!)

Why? you ask. Well, I am feeling a need to protect a little more, cherish a little more and take back some of the time that I spend here. It is time that should be devoted to my family and myself. I will certainly still be here and will continue to jot down my thoughts and post photos, but this time it will not be for public consumption. So, joining me? Gotta ask nicely... :)