Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Private Time

So, I have been considering something for some time now and I am now going to make a move. I am going private, my blog that is. I have had it open and felt compelled to attract visitors and share; however, I believe that it is time to take this back to what I intended it to be: a chronicle, a journal, a diary. Something that will be available to put into print form for my children. If you want to be a part of that, or if you are part of our family, please send me a quick note and I will add you. I will close up shop on our last day of school: June 10th. (who has to go to school so late in the summer, I ask you!)

Why? you ask. Well, I am feeling a need to protect a little more, cherish a little more and take back some of the time that I spend here. It is time that should be devoted to my family and myself. I will certainly still be here and will continue to jot down my thoughts and post photos, but this time it will not be for public consumption. So, joining me? Gotta ask nicely... :)


  1. I know what the quote is from, can I join the party?? Please??? :)

  2. Oh hahahaha! So funny! I KNOW! It's driving me nuts and I have looked at the html to see where this little "read more' nonsense is and I can't find it. Not to worry though, I am on it.

    And yes, Drink More Ovaltine or you'll shoot your eye out. :)

  3. PLEAAAASSSEEEE pick me...AND...where are some M Day pics everybody...Mom

  4. lol- I know where the qoute is from!!!!!!

  5. Hey Heather I really enjoy reading your blog so if you could find it in your heart to let me continue reading, it would bring great joy & satisfaction to my life! Is that nice enough? Hope all is well with you guys, miss you tons!!

  6. Oh Miss Holly!!! Of course I will add you! We miss you guys too and hope that you are all doing well. Thanks for keeping up with my nonsense. :)
