Thursday, June 10, 2010

Angels are singing!

That pesky "read more" thing is gone!  I mean, I can still use it but the kind folks at Smitten Blog Designs did a very nice thing for me and corrected that little annoyance.  Thank you to Kate & Heather.  Be sure to check out their site as they have the best blog designs and extras I have found.  (Can you tell that I love them!)

Oh, the angels have even more to sing about today!  It's the last day of school!!!

Listen, I know well that we are likely the ONLY SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE STATE OF TEXAS who is still in school, but there it is.  In fact, a certain principal friend of ours joked about exams last night saying that any school that is still testing in the second week of June is crazy.  Yep!  We are!  But, (long pause) school is out in less that three hours and I am thrilled.  Next week about this time may be a tad different, but I am taking this moment to be grateful.

Here's a sneak peek of what's to come.  Enjoy!  (and don't forget, I'm taking this baby private today so if you want to be on the cool list...well, you know...send me an email.)

And so much more...

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