Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Wow.  That is all I can say.  Wow!  June is coming to an end and July will be here in just a few moments, or days...but who's counting?  A few things have happened in June that merit documentation.  Here we go:

Let's see, with June came three new grades for my big kids: 8th, 5th and 4th.  That makes Kimball and Kaden the oldest on their campuses.  Hmm.  That means high school is a comin'.  Yeah, and kindergarden, but we will ignore that for just a bit.

We had Kimball at Scout camp and all evidence suggests that he actually had a really good time.  I haven't seen any pictures just yet, but he didn't come home screaming, so that's progress.  Kaden was set to go to his last year of Cub Scout Day Camp, but we had to move some things around and ended up going to San Antonio for five days.  It was a very fun trip.  We spent some time with Joe, Larry's dad, and his family.  (when Larry's mom died, Joe remarried and we love her)  We ate great Mexican food. We went to Schlitterbahn, SO MUCH FUN!

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