Monday, March 10, 2014

Involuntary anxiety leads to this

Let's just examine this, shall we…
March 10th.  Now 79 days since "the incident".  House is finally coming together.
It's Spring Break.  A week of sleeping in and enjoying time off.
In a quiet hotel away from the chaos of construction.
All things considered…everything is good.  Productive.  Moving in the right direction.

So why am I so darned irritated?!?!  Saw a movie today, one I do NOT recommend, and everything about it was annoying…except for a funny Bill Clinton joke.  The people who came into a nearly empty theatre and decided to sit right next to us…annoying.  The kids who came in late and sat on the other side of us and talked the ENTIRE time…annoying.  Listen, movie theaters are kind of sacred ground for me.  You have to respect the space.  Turn your phone off.  Don't talk.  Don't sip that drink until it's louder than the movie because it's actually empty but you keep trying anyway.  Put your feet down.  DON'T TALK!  It was a kids movie so I expected a certain amount of noise…it happens.  But talking in full voice to the person in your row but not right next to you is not acceptable behavior for anyone over the age of 2.  Frankly, it makes me anxious just thinking about it again.  Something might be wrong with me.

Miss Kierstin wants the Easter Bunny to know that she is ready for Easter so she has written a note and created a masterpiece of jelly bean art and expects the Easter Bunny to come to the hotel and take her cute picture and write her back.  Easter isn't for another 6 weeks.  Isn't it a little early for Easter Bunny magic?  See what I mean?  Something might be wrong with me.

Seeing pictures of friends having a good time on their break should make me smile.  And they do, until they don't anymore and I find myself complaining because I am not there.  Hearing of successful diets or work out routines…most of the time I am the one who will get up and jump for joy with you…today?  Just irritates me.  HAHAHAHA!

I know how crazy I sound right this second.  Believe me, I do.

Are these things one should keep to ones self in the event that it sounds crazy or selfish or petty?  Probably, but this is my little corner of the web and I am whining tonight…no…not whining…bellyaching…some would even say bitching…yep, that's the one.

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