Saturday, May 29, 2010


Well, we did it. We are back on the road with two cars instead of one. I forgot how much has to be coordinated when you have a full house with one car. I get it, we are spoiled here and many people around the world don't have one car let alone two. I do feel especially spoiled today.

The Traverse was not to be; however. We went seeking one, had every intention of buying one, but it didn't want to come home with us evidently. We got lucky with an Acadia that was a "demo" on the lot and it had 5100 miles on it so we got a nice little discount. I was aiming for some other color, besides the routine Ganson black...but as fate would have it, the demo is black. The kids are thoroughly enjoying the new ride. There is even a little table that folds out of the console between the two bucket seats on the second row. Fancy, shmancy. I know.

We are in store for more baseball today. Last night's game was tough. Every one of our players were in another zone or something. It was HOT and HUMID. Their little faces were so red and they just kept getting so frustrated with themselves. The game ended and we headed out to this fun new restaurant in Flower Mound called "Mooyah". It is one of 13 here in the area so you may have had this experience already, but it was a first for our crew. It was great! Shakes, burgers, fries...awesome! Came home after a very long, but productive day, and showered away the heat of the day and crawled into bed for some much needed rest.

The sun is out and the pool passes have been collected. A bathing suit search is on the menu for my day. (oh joy!) And baseball and brisket! Should be a fun day. Hope you have as much fun as possible today!

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