Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sick babies + Christmas traffic + Single Parenting = One Grouchy Mama


That is all I have at this hour.  Well, if I started I would likely have endless venting precipitated by what can only be described as some sort of hormonal, exhausted, left to fend for herself with the four K's rant.  I know, I can't really complain.  There are so many other things that could go wrong.  Which is precisely why I will only say that I was bothered enough to change my blog layout.  Sometimes I want to go shopping, sometimes I want a coke and some chocolate, sometimes I want to sit in a dark movie theatre alone with popcorn and a coke and some chocolate, and sometimes I would like to do all three things: but it is 9:32pm on a Saturday night and the kids are sleeping and I am alone, all of which translates to changing the only thing I can effectively change at this hour: my blog layout.  I don't LOVE this one either, but the other one was so complicated to log in on.  It just got annoying.  Can you tell that someone didn't get her bowl of Wheaties this morning, and even if she had it would have worn off a long time ago.

There.  I'm done ranting.  I snapped the big K's head off and then apologized profusely because it wasn't really his fault.  I put the other K's in bed at 8:45.  early for a Saturday night, even if we do get up at the crack of early on Sunday mornings for what is often a three hour test of my patience muscles.  But, with all the prayers I have, tomorrow morning will be a nice morning...oh no, I said it out loud.  Guess we will be walking the halls with baby K instead.  Yikes.

Well, I think I will take my sorry self to bed.  Let's hope for uninterrupted sleep until the bell tolls at 6:15 am.  Ginger has already been asked to make some kind of breakfast.  :)  And the tooth fairy is on duty tonight as well.  Busy night for magic.

1 comment:

  1. Even though Kierstin was beyond grouchy last night it was still fun!....kind of... perhaps a redo of dinner is in order...
