Sunday, May 31, 2009

More picture fun!

I know that I have been fickle about this blogging thing.  I like it quite a lot actually, but I haven't always loved the format.  So, when I saw Jonathan's photo blog I loved it and thought I might give it a try.  And lo and behold, I quite like it.  So, I have posted more photos.  I want to try to keep posting photos over there as it lets me upload LOTS at one time.  LOTS!!!  I am busy with kids and end of school and Larry heading out of town and on and on but we are here.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gratitude Break

Thunder and lightning with wonderous skies.
Fend for yourself dinner nights.
Beginning percussion concerts.
Visiting with Melissa Riding.
Kaden got 100% correct on his TAKS test and missed only 1 on the one he took before that.  
Sun kissed cheeks after the first afternoon at the pool.
Church magazines arriving early.
Larry's business account being opened up this morning.  That is huge.
School days dwindling.
Toasted almonds.
Being truly tired after a busy day.
Fresh linens.
The sound of sleeping in every room of my home.
Security within the walls of home.
Lessons to learn on making this place more peaceful.
Planting a new plant.  Just to see how it will grow.
Buying new plants in the aftermath of an argument at home.
Not one word said about the plants I brought home in the aftermath of said argument.
Getting on the same page about family goals.
Laundry all finished and ready to make the trek to the individual closets and drawers.
The pools are open and the pool bag is ready.
Fresh fruits clean and cut and prepared for anytime snacking. 
Kimball recognizing on his own the concerns we have with his friends.  He shares them.  That's progress.
Apologies. First out of being called out and then because he really meant it.  (It's a process right?)
Birthday parties for 'babies' and fun toys that have thrilled her all day.
Cute swing dresses at Costco for $7.  
The sound of the train passing, without the whistle.  
The end of the day.  Heading off to bed.  And crawling next to a man I love more daily.  
Good night.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Meal Plan Update: 40 Clove Chicken

Every now and then you find yourself actually proud of a meal.  The ingredients.  The presentation. The time it takes to plan, gather supplies, cook and clean up said meal must be efficient.  Not too many pots or measuring cups.  You know the meals where it takes two full loads of the dishwasher?  Not that!  Well, this meal turned out to be just that.  The house smells divine.  The dishes are already done.  All of the children ate!  All of them!  And Larry!  And me!  I did serve the chicken with the basil green beans which are now up there with Larry's Balsamic Asparagus.  I made a quick pot of no yolk noodles with a little butter and fresh parmesan, served it all in one big dish and we cheered for the success.  I can honestly say that this is now added to my recipe book for life.  

Now, for those of you who can't stomach the idea of 40 cloves of garlic, there are two things to remember: one, this is more about aromatic cooking than actually digesting that much garlic, and two, you can cut the garlic in half and make up for it with a little more herbs and kosher salt.  Any way you season this, it is a tasty dinner.  

Hallelujah chorus is lofting through the rafters, if I had rafters that is.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dinner score 1-1-1

Since Sunday I have had great intentions.  Larry made steak on Sunday and all seemed to be on the right track.  Score 1 for this home team.  Then beautiful Monday came and I didn't take chicken out because I was so busy living it up in the great outdoors.  I decided to switch nights and made spaghetti.  That we'll call a tie as we didn't eat out.  I changed it up, but I still cooked.  And then today came.  And I am tired.

Tired.  Why am I so tired?  Well, a couple of nights interrupted by one, two, three children.  Three!  In one night.  Both nights.

(Pausing to vote for Kris before I forget!)  Whew, that was close.

Moving on.  I was busy with lots of tasks today, that is true, but the tired never let go from the time I got out of bed.  I felt like I was just a little bit behind and boy did I drag.  I actually fell asleep in the make-dinner-hour, even though I did take the chicken out to cook it.  It did not get cooked tonight.  Instead, we suffered through Sonic.  Cheeseburger.  Tater tots.  Cherry limeade.  It wasn't very good, but it was yummy.  I haven't eaten that in a WHILE!  And, for the record, it wasn't good enough to get again any time soon.  So, that is a loss for the team tonight, an earned one maybe, but still.

So, tomorrow is 40 clove Garlic chicken.  I am COOKING THAT!  And I aim to get some sleep tonight so that I wake up minus one grouchy monger hanging out on my shoulder.  I hate that little monster.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Menu Planning anyone?

So, we have been working on being more prepared with menus and grocery lists in the recent weeks with the hope that it will save us money and keep us on top of things.  We are getting better each week.  The first week we deviated and ate out 3 times.  The next week we ate out twice.  This week, I am aiming for 100% success, which means really planning well and having a solid menu.  With that, I found few mentions in the blog world of something called MPM, or Menu Planning Monday for those of you who are as new to this as I am.  Now, for the purposes of sharing and for keeping track of the recipes and where I found them, I am going to share.  Hopefully this will be the start of something fun.

Here goes:
Sunday :  
Baked potatoes
CAKE!!!  (It is a birthday after all)

No Yolk Noodles
Fruit Salad

Spaghetti and meat sauce
Salad (perhaps Caesar)
French Bread

Sweet Potatoes
Zucchini and Squash

Breakfast for Dinner 


Saturday:  Family Picnic in the park from 10:30 am to whenever we are ready to go in honor of two little birthdays!  
And then:
Pork Chops
Apple Sauce
Mac and Cheese

Ok.  So, I think this is a solid start.  Here's to 100% this week!  

What's for dinner at your house?  And don't get any bright ideas about crashing at my house for meals.  I know you have already thought that at least once.  :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Finally, an offer!

Well, this comes with mixed emotions here at our house.  One is relief.  Vancouver finally made the offer for the job on the Winter Olympics and we will be fine.  Larry has three other jobs that he will do in the next year, so our year is going to be fine.  But there is a downside.  A big one.  Larry will go there and we will stay here.  Close to 10 months up there with visits back and forth.  In the economy, we are tremendously grateful for this but we also know that it will be tough.  I don't know much more than that at this moment, but I thought an update was in order.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day, Scoliosis, Economy and Baby Birthday!

Well, Mother's Day was very sweet.  We had a delicious meal at The Melting Pot Saturday, followed by a yummy homemade breakfast a la Larry, and then dinner with a large portion of our family that night.  Shrimp Boil!  It was very nice to be surrounded by so many people that we love and so many incredible mothers.  Michelle even left pretty little flowers in vases for each of us.  Very, very nice. Thanks Michelle!  

Monday brought a new commitment to eating well and working out and it is only Tuesday but it has gone well so far.  We shall see!  It doesn't help that Kimball asked me how long I have been saying that I wanted to  be healthier.  Stupid Kids!

Speaking of Kimball:  he has been diagnosed with Scoliosis!  Of the same variety that put me in the hospital at 16 and took years off of Mom's life.  That one.  At this point, his degree is such that we have to watch it and check him again in 4 months to see if he has progressed, at which point they will decide to either BRACE him or SURGERY!  Can you feel the panic that swept over me the first time I heard any mention of this!

Moving on, quickly, the economy is stifling the fun in my house.  I mean, Larry is getting nervous.  The exchange rate on money from Canada to here as well as the cost of living and the 35% tax on his income in Canada is making it nearly impossible to take the Olympics again.  We are hoping for a little miracle on this one, but we shall see...hopefully this week.  We have been saying that for months.  

And finally, the BABY is turning 3!  3 years old!  3 years of great fun and pure joy with this little miracle creature who has changed our lives.  She is turning 3 and I can't believe it.  I am excited for this new phase with her and all of the fun things she and I will get to do.  Reading time at the library, visits to the zoo, new adventures are everywhere.  I am more in love with her every day and she just keeps getting better.  I mean, she is also getting more stubborn and vocal, but that she comes by honestly so I can't really fault her for that.  I just have to pray that we will both be patient with each other as we continue to grow up together.

There you have it.  You are caught up.  More or less.  Now, someone else needs to get to posting.  I know that there are more of you with something to say!!!  Come on, people!

Friday, May 8, 2009

My readers are bored.

I have been chastised by several in the last couple of days.  I am sorry for my absence.  I have simply not had a lot to say.  I do hope that you don't all pass out from lack of oxygen at that last comment, but I didn't.  I have no idea what's happening with Vancouver.  I am already over it being hot and muggy here, and it has only gotten up to about 90, and I know well that there are other parts of the world that cherish such low temperatures.  I cherish those temperatures if I am sitting on the beach.  Ah, the beach.  I am ready to be there, emotionally that is.  Physically, another story, an annoying one at that.  So, see, I have not much to say.  I did have an eventful Room Mom meeting this morning with 5 fabulous women.  I have to say, they never cease to amaze me.  The talent between those women is impressive.  Our 2nd grade play day will be amazing!  

Mother's Day gift #1 for Mom won't be here on time.  Gift #2 was acquired today and is happily resting in my garage until Sunday.  It's a secret Mom, can't tell!  Don't try to guess either, it will only make me mad at you.  And, if you can't tell, I am a little grumbly today.  

I am mad at my back yard again.  I have planted and planted and moved dirt and mulch and rocks and such for years and it still looks HORRIBLE!!!  I want to move out of this house for that reason alone.  I want a lovely back yard that I can take care of and nurture and plant new fun things every year, not everything every year of course, but add a few things at a time.  That is not the case at this point.  Maddening.

Um, that's all.  I think about all of the things that are pestering me lately.  Mosquitos, Vancouver, money, lack of money, weight, back yard mess, painting several rooms, new tile floor in the bathroom, weight and working out and eating plan, swimsuit season, (ARGH!) and potty training!  I am not in my best mood tonight.  I do have perspective, of course.  I do know that all of these things will find resolution one way or the other and I am grateful for all of the amazing things I have...but tonight, I am grumbly.