Saturday, May 16, 2009

Menu Planning anyone?

So, we have been working on being more prepared with menus and grocery lists in the recent weeks with the hope that it will save us money and keep us on top of things.  We are getting better each week.  The first week we deviated and ate out 3 times.  The next week we ate out twice.  This week, I am aiming for 100% success, which means really planning well and having a solid menu.  With that, I found few mentions in the blog world of something called MPM, or Menu Planning Monday for those of you who are as new to this as I am.  Now, for the purposes of sharing and for keeping track of the recipes and where I found them, I am going to share.  Hopefully this will be the start of something fun.

Here goes:
Sunday :  
Baked potatoes
CAKE!!!  (It is a birthday after all)

No Yolk Noodles
Fruit Salad

Spaghetti and meat sauce
Salad (perhaps Caesar)
French Bread

Sweet Potatoes
Zucchini and Squash

Breakfast for Dinner 


Saturday:  Family Picnic in the park from 10:30 am to whenever we are ready to go in honor of two little birthdays!  
And then:
Pork Chops
Apple Sauce
Mac and Cheese

Ok.  So, I think this is a solid start.  Here's to 100% this week!  

What's for dinner at your house?  And don't get any bright ideas about crashing at my house for meals.  I know you have already thought that at least once.  :)


  1. Umm..I was actually thinking that if you put it out there on your blog, it means you want us all to come:) Seriously, steak and potatos souds good to me:) And, I see you are trying some new things! I cant wait to hear how they are. I wish you great success in your menu planning..maybe you will inspire me! Then again, maybe it just means I will know what day I should show up at your house:)

  2. Well, our menu for the week:
    Baked potatoes
    Cake apparently...

    Cilantro Lime Chicken
    Basil GreenBeans
    No Yolk Noodles
    Fruit Salad...

    Tuesday.... wait, you planned the same things? Well no sense in both of us cooking all of that. We'll see you daily at 6:00.

  3. Ooooh... I love new recipes! Thanks for sharing! I, too, would love to be better in this area. Here in UT one of the new crazes is to become a crazy coupon clipper (
    It's quite insane... and I'm not sure it's worth the time it takes, but I'm determined to give it a try. :)
    Good Luck!

  4. Ok so I made the cilantro lime chicken tonight as well and we all loved it here! It received rave reviews from Mike, Nora, and myself. Lacey even ate some of the chicken. I made it with some Mexican rice and a lovely salad, complete with peppers, onions, cilantro, etc. What a fun, easy, tasty, and HEALTHY meal! Good job, Heath. Keep those good ideas coming! I'm curious about the 40 clove chicken but I don't know if I'm daring enough to try it before I get your review. Let me know how that goes. Thanks again!!

  5. Quick update and a hooray for Lindsey!!! I switched my days tonight as we worked in the yard ALL day! Mulch, beautiful mulch...I love that as much as I love pushing a power washer around on the deck. I made spaghetti tonight and here was my big healthy substitution: while everyone else was having a large bowl of pasta with their sauce, I enjoyed mine over a LARGE portion of sliced squash and zucchini and it was wonderful! I will make the Cilantro Lime chicken tomorrow with my fresh green beans. I am glad to know that it went so well!
