Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day, Scoliosis, Economy and Baby Birthday!

Well, Mother's Day was very sweet.  We had a delicious meal at The Melting Pot Saturday, followed by a yummy homemade breakfast a la Larry, and then dinner with a large portion of our family that night.  Shrimp Boil!  It was very nice to be surrounded by so many people that we love and so many incredible mothers.  Michelle even left pretty little flowers in vases for each of us.  Very, very nice. Thanks Michelle!  

Monday brought a new commitment to eating well and working out and it is only Tuesday but it has gone well so far.  We shall see!  It doesn't help that Kimball asked me how long I have been saying that I wanted to  be healthier.  Stupid Kids!

Speaking of Kimball:  he has been diagnosed with Scoliosis!  Of the same variety that put me in the hospital at 16 and took years off of Mom's life.  That one.  At this point, his degree is such that we have to watch it and check him again in 4 months to see if he has progressed, at which point they will decide to either BRACE him or SURGERY!  Can you feel the panic that swept over me the first time I heard any mention of this!

Moving on, quickly, the economy is stifling the fun in my house.  I mean, Larry is getting nervous.  The exchange rate on money from Canada to here as well as the cost of living and the 35% tax on his income in Canada is making it nearly impossible to take the Olympics again.  We are hoping for a little miracle on this one, but we shall see...hopefully this week.  We have been saying that for months.  

And finally, the BABY is turning 3!  3 years old!  3 years of great fun and pure joy with this little miracle creature who has changed our lives.  She is turning 3 and I can't believe it.  I am excited for this new phase with her and all of the fun things she and I will get to do.  Reading time at the library, visits to the zoo, new adventures are everywhere.  I am more in love with her every day and she just keeps getting better.  I mean, she is also getting more stubborn and vocal, but that she comes by honestly so I can't really fault her for that.  I just have to pray that we will both be patient with each other as we continue to grow up together.

There you have it.  You are caught up.  More or less.  Now, someone else needs to get to posting.  I know that there are more of you with something to say!!!  Come on, people!


  1. Ok, so Mike said that the doctor was wrong to say that chiropractics can't fix Kimball's scoliosis. That doesn't mean that it absolutely will, but it certainly can and has. He's seen it happen himself. He agreed that the degree of his curvature, if accurate, is pretty severe for a kid his age but certainly not so bad that it can't get straightened out. We'll look into some chiros up there. As I was beginning to say earlier, if you want to bring Kimball in to Mike's office to see exactly what Mike would recommend so that you can take that with you to another chiro, then you're always more than welcome to do that. Or if you have his xrays, Mike can just look at them on Friday when we see you and tell you what he thinks. Obviously Mike wouldn't be saying anything for his own personal gain (not that he would with any patient that he ever sees, but some people do so at least you'd know that he is being honest) so his advice would be pretty trustworthy. The good thing about getting this taken care of by a chiropractor is that it will also help with those headaches that Kimball so frequently gets, which are likely also due to the scoliosis. Lots of benefits abound so I'm glad you're going this route. We'll do some hunting up there and see who we recommend... we'll let ya know. Good luck!

  2. Well, I could have guessed you would get a ton of info from Mike and Lindsey, and certainly hope that route will help solve the problem!! I can only imagine the stress level over there, and certainly hope that something shows up soon that will help out! In the mean time, just know...pool weather is just around the corner:) I mean really, if the smell of sunscreen, chlorine, and watermelon does not send you to your happy place, I just dont know what would! (OK, I realize that the smell of ocean air would far out rank the chlorine, but lets face it...we have to work with what we've got!!) Hang in there!
