Friday, May 8, 2009

My readers are bored.

I have been chastised by several in the last couple of days.  I am sorry for my absence.  I have simply not had a lot to say.  I do hope that you don't all pass out from lack of oxygen at that last comment, but I didn't.  I have no idea what's happening with Vancouver.  I am already over it being hot and muggy here, and it has only gotten up to about 90, and I know well that there are other parts of the world that cherish such low temperatures.  I cherish those temperatures if I am sitting on the beach.  Ah, the beach.  I am ready to be there, emotionally that is.  Physically, another story, an annoying one at that.  So, see, I have not much to say.  I did have an eventful Room Mom meeting this morning with 5 fabulous women.  I have to say, they never cease to amaze me.  The talent between those women is impressive.  Our 2nd grade play day will be amazing!  

Mother's Day gift #1 for Mom won't be here on time.  Gift #2 was acquired today and is happily resting in my garage until Sunday.  It's a secret Mom, can't tell!  Don't try to guess either, it will only make me mad at you.  And, if you can't tell, I am a little grumbly today.  

I am mad at my back yard again.  I have planted and planted and moved dirt and mulch and rocks and such for years and it still looks HORRIBLE!!!  I want to move out of this house for that reason alone.  I want a lovely back yard that I can take care of and nurture and plant new fun things every year, not everything every year of course, but add a few things at a time.  That is not the case at this point.  Maddening.

Um, that's all.  I think about all of the things that are pestering me lately.  Mosquitos, Vancouver, money, lack of money, weight, back yard mess, painting several rooms, new tile floor in the bathroom, weight and working out and eating plan, swimsuit season, (ARGH!) and potty training!  I am not in my best mood tonight.  I do have perspective, of course.  I do know that all of these things will find resolution one way or the other and I am grateful for all of the amazing things I have...but tonight, I am grumbly.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, I was bored. Glad you posted... we had fun lastnight, thanks for hosting as always! You fight the same fight many of us do... except you have 4 kids... and Vancouver wouldn't ever be an option for us... and I'm not retiling my floor, and I'm so sick of painting... but otherwise... we are on the same battle field =) Luv u
