Monday, September 14, 2009

You know you're crazy when...

The smell of cut wood mixed with rain gets you excited.
That same smell makes you mad by the end of the day.

That's me today, well for days I think. Here is a golden example:

I pick the elementary school kids up in the afternoon. I am in a carpool, so I pick up 5 children, instead of 2. Irrelevant to this story, but part of the scenario. So, in our carpool lane at school, we have several options. I opt to use what we call the "South Loop". In this loop there are two options. TWO. One for kindergarden pickup only. One for everyone else. So, from time to time someone will pull up and get confused. Which lane should they need? We don't use car tags for pickup so no one else knows, besides the driver. So, I choose to go up a little early as to get in the line early allowing me to get out of pick up lines as fast as possible. Sometimes there are distractions, like children who choose to stop and visit with teachers and children (Kyra), sometimes its children who aren't sure if they have afterschool activities...sometimes it's parents in line who CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHICH LINE TO USE! How hard is it? So, I pull up today, this is the example of how crazy I am these days so stay tuned, I pull up and there are not one, not two, but three lines. Three? And then there are two cars sort of suspiciously parked in what we could call a fourth lane, but no one is too sure. So, I sit there for 10 minutes before we start to inch our way up to the waiting children and I am stewing. STEWING! Downright agitated about the 3 1/2 lanes. Yes, people should learn how to pick up their kids, we are 3 weeks into school so this should be an art form by now, but why in the world do I care! Larry says it is officially time to go see the doctor about my condition, undiagnosed as it is. I offered to voluntarily check myself into a pysch ward for observation, a vacation unto itself I am sure.

I am going to drown in a warm shower and crawl into bed for some much needed sleep and wake up to the smell of new floors being cut and potentially more rain. Hope you have a fun story of how crazy you are, humor me I say. Don't leave me alone in my ailment.

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