So, I am now playing with my iphoto and came across a picture from two years ago. It's Kaden's first baseball team, the Tigers. He is #3 in this picture.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
This is too fun not to post
So, I am now playing with my iphoto and came across a picture from two years ago. It's Kaden's first baseball team, the Tigers. He is #3 in this picture.
Just some fun pics
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Want to head to THE BEACH!!!
Ok, so it's late and I really have nothing interesting to say except that I am so sick of this rain. I am ready to be on the beach! It is supposed to rain through Wednesday!!! I was just reading Kristen's last post about moderating comments and was really amused by the rudeness of some people! Why would other people who have been invited into a glimpse of someone else's personal life have to say anything negative at all! I just don't get it. Anyway...
Kaden's big baseball tournament is back on and scheduled for Monday, June 4th at either 6 or 7:15. We haven't been informed as of yet but we should be able to win the first game. We will see about the next one. :)
That's all I got...except to say that I am in need of a tan and other superfluous having my nails done and a pedicure...and my eyebrows...oh I am so vain...makes you want to sing that song doesn't it...:)
(I know Kristen has the tune in her head right about now.)
Kaden's big baseball tournament is back on and scheduled for Monday, June 4th at either 6 or 7:15. We haven't been informed as of yet but we should be able to win the first game. We will see about the next one. :)
That's all I got...except to say that I am in need of a tan and other superfluous having my nails done and a pedicure...and my eyebrows...oh I am so vain...makes you want to sing that song doesn't it...:)
(I know Kristen has the tune in her head right about now.)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Surprise, Surprise!
So it turns out that we are not playing the mighty Cubs after all. They have been disqualified from the tournament. They have been using a player that is not registered with the HVA which is not a wise decision, I suppose. They played a great game last night against another strong team and won. After the game was over the other team made it known that they had an uregistered player. That made it an automatic forfeit. It is all actually really sad because the boys have worked really hard. Their coach made a bad decision in the name of winning the game and in the end it has been their undoing. I do feel bad for the boys because they have played hard and this will now be the talk of the season. It is a good lesson for all of the boys though. Play fair! I don't know what happens in the tournament now or what time we play next, but our little team that could is still in there.
AND!!! It is the last day of school!!!
AND!!! It is the last day of school!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Baseball Update!
Our little boys won again! I think that the boys may actually be a little tired of baseball these days with all the games they have played back to back. The big news is that we play the Cubs tomorrow...Jackson's team. Now the boys are great players. They were "hand picked" to play and they are quite a good team. The coach is reprehensible though. He is just one of those coaches who has a big temper and has been known to be a little obnoxious on the field. Bear in mind that these are 7 year olds we are talking about...not major league...not even high school! So, Jackson has assured me that they will beat us tomorrow. While that is most likely true, they are hard to beat...I would just love to be the little team that could, the little david up against the big goliath of a team and actually wins!!! Let me assure you that our boys won't care one bit if they lose. They are the best sports in this league. They just love to play ball and they have fun every time they play. The downside is that Jackson will make sure that we remember that they won...all summer long. Anyway...that game is at 6 and if we win you will hear about it!!! If we don't then we get to go home and enjoy the beginning of our summer as it is also the last day of school.
Josh and Ada's love child
I am not sure how many of you will remember Josh and Ada. I know that Mom and Brittany will, so this may only make sense to you. I got this picture of Mac last night who is their first child...with another on the way. He could not look more like Josh. Ada has gorgeous dark hair and skin, that latin in her...and Josh is a white boy with the same blue eyes as you see in this picture. I am so sad that we have not met him yet. I am sure that we will soon though. He is just beautiful and I wanted to share. I hope they get a girl...though two boys are great fun as well.
More later...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Kyra's Kindergarten Days
It is the end of the school year and each of our children have had a great year. A few days ago we had the opportunity to watch Kyra in her first of many school performances. Then came the Kindergarten play day. It is so funny to watch them all get together and play and laugh and fight, when necessary. The show was adorable!!! They did some great songs!!! Here are a few pictures from the last week of school with Kyra.
Baseball Heroes
I will post more fun pictures later as I have found that my mac has some fun capabilities...but for is Kaden. He loves this coach and, from watching the other obnoxious coaches on the other teams, so do we. We are so happy that he has found a team that he loves. More later...
By the way, our dear friends Ada and Josh are having another baby!!! We just found out for sure today and we are so happy for them. And! Amber is having a girl!!! So much good news today!!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Just have to share!!!
So, Kaden is in play-offs this, in case you don't know. Anyway...they lost their first game so that dropped them into the second bracket. So, tonight they played at 8:45!!! They played the Astros. We are the Indians. Following this? Ok, so Indians were up through the entire game until an error in the fourth that let the Astros score. They were up by one. Time ran out. But!!! It's the play-offs so the umpire says it doesn't count unless we got our at bat, which we were supposed to get. So, we played one more inning. WE WON!!! The boys scored two and won the game. Larry said it was as good as the World Series. Being the mom that I am I was home with the other little buggers getting them to bed so I MISSED THE WHOLE THING!!!!! I will have to get a sitter for the rest of the games because I won't miss anymore. When Kaden walked in he had the biggest grin on his face. When I tucked him in he had to tell me the whole story and I am just so proud I could pop. I love these nights. It was too late for them to be playing but they had a great time and won the game. It is something they will remember for a long time. That's it. Just too excited not to share!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Stupid move of the week...
Ok, you know I had no desire to go the gym yesterday. But I went. I was grouchy and tired, but I went. On my way home I realized that I was starving and grouchy and tired and that I had just worked out so I could afford to eat out if I wanted to. Here is the stupid part...I went to Captain D's.

Fish & Shrimp Dinner CALORIES 1507.97 Protein 33.89g Carbs 126.10g FAT 96.23g SODIUM 3577.10mg
Now, I confess that I hardly ate the whole meal but the fact that it was THAT high in calories and protein and sodium is just horrifying to me, oh and let's not forget the 96.23 g of FAT. I think they ought to have to have warnings on their menu that says what's what. I mean, the cigarette people have to and the liquor people have to. Hell, the gym has to in case you do something stupid and hurt yourself. I was sick after I read that. I mean I knew it would be high, but nowhere near this ridiculous number. I was so irritated. SO irritated in fact that I ordered pizza for dinner. :)

Since this is what happens when you eat like that I am happy to say that I am back on track today and I am taking my vitamins and drinking a protein shake as we speak. So no long term damage, but man, someone should have warned me. YUCK!
In case you ever need to check your nutrition facts as I did, hopefully with less painful results, check out this website:

Fish & Shrimp Dinner CALORIES 1507.97 Protein 33.89g Carbs 126.10g FAT 96.23g SODIUM 3577.10mg
Now, I confess that I hardly ate the whole meal but the fact that it was THAT high in calories and protein and sodium is just horrifying to me, oh and let's not forget the 96.23 g of FAT. I think they ought to have to have warnings on their menu that says what's what. I mean, the cigarette people have to and the liquor people have to. Hell, the gym has to in case you do something stupid and hurt yourself. I was sick after I read that. I mean I knew it would be high, but nowhere near this ridiculous number. I was so irritated. SO irritated in fact that I ordered pizza for dinner. :)

Since this is what happens when you eat like that I am happy to say that I am back on track today and I am taking my vitamins and drinking a protein shake as we speak. So no long term damage, but man, someone should have warned me. YUCK!
In case you ever need to check your nutrition facts as I did, hopefully with less painful results, check out this website:
Monday, May 14, 2007
Reality check
I can't even begin to tell you how much I do not want to go to the gym this morning. I could just crawl back into bed and sleep for an hour or two...or four, but there is a baby around here somewhere. The reality check comes in the form of the double chin in my photo which must mean that much to my is attached to my face. I am sort of in denial I think. I think that I am thinner than I am therefore I continue to eat when I want and sleep in when I just can't face the gym. But, pictures don't lie. SO, I am going in. Even though I just want to sleep!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day 2007
Just a quick note to share my blissful mother's day morning...First I was woken by the crew, out of a deep sleep I might add, to open a few presents. See's candies (yummy), illuminations candles (even better) and Dreamgirls...and a beautiful flower garden.
Then Kimball remembers that he has to give a talk so suddenly he feels sick....siiiiiiiiccccccccckkkkk!!! He is going to throw up and his head hurts and seriously MOM I don't want to go. I expected this tantrum but what followed was amusing. Then Kaden begins to fall apart, over everything and nothing at the same time. Kyra is fine and getting ready until we have about 15 minutes before we have to leave and then she has a headache and she doesn't feel good either. HAPPY FREAKING MOTHERS DAY!!! I say that they can all stay home and I will go in peace by myself on mothers day. How sad is that! Kyra and Kimball decide to go with me after Larry informs them that they will have to stay on their beds the entire time I am gone. Kimball decides that is worse than having to give a talk.
So, Sacrament meeting was sweet today. The primary kids sang and did a great job. Kimball did not die when he gave his fact I was impressed. We came home to lunch ready and waiting, which I must say is a devious perk to having an inactive husband.
Given that Larry had to go to North Carolina for the week we had a little baby birthday party for Kierstin where she made a beautiful mess with her first cupcake. It is remarkable that she is already 1 year old. It is even more remarkable that things are so very different than they were this time a year ago. I am so blessed and relieved and surprisingly calm. I mean, as calm as I get. Maybe it's the calm that comes with getting older and living through tough life lessons. Divorce ages you quite a bit. I look back on all of the choices that were made over the last five or six years and think how selfish Larry and I were to give up on this family. I wouldn't have gotten Kierstin...well, maybe I would have, just without the dramatic Kels chapter. I doubt that we would have gotten the chance to live here in Texas. We have chosen a very diffiuclt road to get to this phase of happiness, but in the end it is worth it. I do so wish that we had just stopped long enough to appreciate each other and what we had created and tried harder to fight for each other, instead of against each other. We wasted so much time being mad and mean. We argue from time to time, but in truth, we just don't fight. We aren't mean to each other anymore. I can't imagine saying anything that would hurt his feelings or make him feel bad. There are things that we still disagree on and things that we agree to diagree about. But at the end of the day we choose each other and this family. We are so proud of these children and who they are becoming. It is a scary prospect, being responsible for how they turn out. And it doesn't get easier as they get older. It gets far more intense actually. I do hope and pray for this state of peace a bit longer as I am certain that there must and will be trials ahead. I am grateful for this temporary pause however.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Because Kristen said to...
It is the end of a relatively long day and I am just headed to bed when I read a subtle invitation from Kristen to check out her website. When I open her blog I am reminded that she has reminded me that I suck at the blogging thing. So...I am working on getting back up to speed on this and just thought I would drop a little note. :) More to come!
I did want to share this great little picture of my little angel who is just about to turn one!!! I have not found the conviction to steal any bottles at the age of 1, but that is simply because I am lazy and like it when she is happy! I will certainly not be the mom with the 2 year old with a bottle...but maybe just a few more months. Isn't she just gorgeous! I can't believe it's been a year and I can't believe how much fun she is. She talks all the time and I just love being with her. I guess that shouldn't be surprising but I don't remember having this much fun when my older children were babies. I had no idea what I was doing then. I still don't but I can now admit that I don't.
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