Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Just a quick note to share my blissful mother's day morning...First I was woken by the crew, out of a deep sleep I might add, to open a few presents. See's candies (yummy), illuminations candles (even better) and Dreamgirls...and a beautiful flower garden.

Then Kimball remembers that he has to give a talk so suddenly he feels sick....siiiiiiiiccccccccckkkkk!!! He is going to throw up and his head hurts and seriously MOM I don't want to go. I expected this tantrum but what followed was amusing. Then Kaden begins to fall apart, over everything and nothing at the same time. Kyra is fine and getting ready until we have about 15 minutes before we have to leave and then she has a headache and she doesn't feel good either. HAPPY FREAKING MOTHERS DAY!!! I say that they can all stay home and I will go in peace by myself on mothers day. How sad is that! Kyra and Kimball decide to go with me after Larry informs them that they will have to stay on their beds the entire time I am gone. Kimball decides that is worse than having to give a talk.

So, Sacrament meeting was sweet today. The primary kids sang and did a great job. Kimball did not die when he gave his fact I was impressed. We came home to lunch ready and waiting, which I must say is a devious perk to having an inactive husband.

Given that Larry had to go to North Carolina for the week we had a little baby birthday party for Kierstin where she made a beautiful mess with her first cupcake. It is remarkable that she is already 1 year old. It is even more remarkable that things are so very different than they were this time a year ago. I am so blessed and relieved and surprisingly calm. I mean, as calm as I get. Maybe it's the calm that comes with getting older and living through tough life lessons. Divorce ages you quite a bit. I look back on all of the choices that were made over the last five or six years and think how selfish Larry and I were to give up on this family. I wouldn't have gotten Kierstin...well, maybe I would have, just without the dramatic Kels chapter. I doubt that we would have gotten the chance to live here in Texas. We have chosen a very diffiuclt road to get to this phase of happiness, but in the end it is worth it. I do so wish that we had just stopped long enough to appreciate each other and what we had created and tried harder to fight for each other, instead of against each other. We wasted so much time being mad and mean. We argue from time to time, but in truth, we just don't fight. We aren't mean to each other anymore. I can't imagine saying anything that would hurt his feelings or make him feel bad. There are things that we still disagree on and things that we agree to diagree about. But at the end of the day we choose each other and this family. We are so proud of these children and who they are becoming. It is a scary prospect, being responsible for how they turn out. And it doesn't get easier as they get older. It gets far more intense actually. I do hope and pray for this state of peace a bit longer as I am certain that there must and will be trials ahead. I am grateful for this temporary pause however.

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