Monday, May 21, 2007

Just have to share!!!

So, Kaden is in play-offs this, in case you don't know. Anyway...they lost their first game so that dropped them into the second bracket. So, tonight they played at 8:45!!! They played the Astros. We are the Indians. Following this? Ok, so Indians were up through the entire game until an error in the fourth that let the Astros score. They were up by one. Time ran out. But!!! It's the play-offs so the umpire says it doesn't count unless we got our at bat, which we were supposed to get. So, we played one more inning. WE WON!!! The boys scored two and won the game. Larry said it was as good as the World Series. Being the mom that I am I was home with the other little buggers getting them to bed so I MISSED THE WHOLE THING!!!!! I will have to get a sitter for the rest of the games because I won't miss anymore. When Kaden walked in he had the biggest grin on his face. When I tucked him in he had to tell me the whole story and I am just so proud I could pop. I love these nights. It was too late for them to be playing but they had a great time and won the game. It is something they will remember for a long time. That's it. Just too excited not to share!!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah you are a bad mom!

    Just kidding, that's fun. Don't kids have curfews during the school year?!
