Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter egg hunt may be moving to dryer land!!!

So, this is Kierstin.  As I was leaving Mom's today she ran ahead of me just a bit.  I was talking to Mom and didn't really think about there being anything she could get into.  Well, there once was a walkway, paved with rocks where Kierstin stepped and fell face first in 6 or 20 inches of mud.  She couldn't get up.  Mom was laughing her head off...but was aware enough to suggest taking a picture.  So, this is the aftermath.  She was rather unhappy and I was a running late for a visiting teaching appt where I showed up about 5 minutes late with Kierstin wearing only a white t-shirt and a diaper...can you see my white trash roots showing???  I think we should consider hunting for Easter eggs inside.  :)


  1. Your blog is great!
    Kierstin is such a sweet little girl... we'd love to have her over again anytime!
    Kora was a little territorial at first, but I'm glad she got some practice having to share with someone her own size. Next week she'll oficially be in nursery!
    I'll visit often...
    hope you don't mind if I link you! :)

  2. Oh I love that you added me. I had no idea that this blogging thing was so popular. My sister Kristen got me started on it and now she is slacking. Go figure! I was, by the way, so grateful to you for keeping Kierstin for me. It was a great treat to take the bigger kids to a movie. Thank you so very much.

  3. Ditto what Heidi said! This blogging thing is my newest addiction and I'm so happy I can add yours to my check-out list!
    Your VT companion must be a little strict about being on time - geez! Kidding Alexa.

  4. By the way - remember today when I was telling you reading blogs sometimes leaves me feeling inadequate? Yeah - well yours is one of them! You have such an amazing talent at writing! It's so fun to read your posts.

  5. Oh so sweet! Thanks for stopping by. It is rarely dull around here. :)
