Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Presidential Advice from Kyra

So, today I head off to vote in what is a dismal election.  Dismal.  Lesser of two almost evils at this point, but I digress.

I ask Kyra who I should vote for and here is how it went:
Kyra: Obama!
Me:  Ok, so why should I vote for Obama?
warning: this is not politically correct
Kyra:  He's the brown one isn't he?
Me:  Yes, he is the brown one.
Kyra:  You should vote for him.
Me:  Why, Kyra?
Kyra:  Well, he would be the first brown president.
Me:  What if he sucks as president?
Kyra:  Well, they all suck at first, don't they?  

Words of wisdom from the 2nd grader.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Fun

I know this picture is fuzzy, but I love it!

So, as you know, Halloween is always quite the event in our house.  Larry has done his part in decorating the house with all the requisite spider webs and strobe lights.  The kids chose their costumes early enough to have them all here on time.  There are parties and trick or treating many days this week.  And last night was the first.  Our good friends and neighbors threw their annual Halloween Pumpkin carving/ petting zoo/ chili/ hang out in the culdesac until dark party and it was great fun. 

This is what Kierstin looked like toward the end of the night, playing with animals and chasing kids and eating all kind of treats.  She started out looking more like the last picture, though that did not last long.

Kyra looked beautiful in her fairy costume, though, once again, all of the extras did not stay on for long, as you can see in the first picture.  It turns out they were just too concerned about the fact that there weren't very many kids in costume.

Kaden was in his Indiana Jones costume for about 15 minutes until he realized that he was the only one of his age group in costume, and he promptly returned home to change.  He did have a great time taking pictures of all of the animals and kids on our street.   And then there was Kierstin.  She was so cute in this little costume, that in no way reflects her personality as she is just wonderful.  Kimball had NO desire to have his picture taken, but he did stay and hang out with us for the evening.  It was a great night and the perfect beginning to this week of celebrations.


Good morning all.  So, I am trying to talk myself into making myself go to the gym, which is a despised act for me.  I sit down to check through some emails and filter through some blogs I keep up with and realize that I haven't checked in on Stephanie in awhile.  And then it hits me.  

Perspective!  In a whopping, humbling, near tears dose.  Suddenly going to the gym doesn't seem so daunting.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patch!

We made it!  It was a busy but beautiful Friday afternoon and Larry had flown in from Washington DC and we met up at the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch.  It has become a tradition around here and it was just as much fun as it always is.  There was enough to do to keep them busy and interested.  Kierstin thought that everything was exciting, of course.  Here are a few pictures to share of our afternoon.

Oh, that handsome boy who still walks up for hugs from his mom who will not be taller than he is for too much longer is now, as of this moment, 12 years old.  It is almost too hard to believe, but he really is.  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Big Weekend!

Well, I don't have any of my own pictures to post as I ended up without my camera, as did Larry.  We both forgot!  As some of you know, we ran the McAuliffe Fall Carnival again yesterday, which was the second time for us. It was so much more enjoyable for me as we knew better than we did last year. The team was incredible and it seemed to be just the right balance.  I am not sure yet whether we will do it again or not, but it was fun.  I will post pictures as I receive them.  

It is certainly Fall around here.  It is a pleasant temperature with leaves falling and pumpkins in every other yard.  Larry has pulled out Halloween decorations and the house looks great.  We are in for a few more busy weeks as we have Kimball turning 12 this weekend!!  Hold on, I have to catch my breath on that one.  

Ok.  Back to business.  12!  And then Halloween, which is a well loved holiday around here.  I may even dress up this year.  :)  We shall see.  We are going out to my parents house later today and that is always fun.  Have a quiet Sunday!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Apple Orchard sadness

So I just looked up the crop info for the orchard I want to go to next week and they lost their entire crop!  They are closed for the season.  I am in mourning now. Where, oh where, can we find somewhere to pick apples?  I mean, I know that we can go to cool places in Maine and Virginia, they are amazing...but where in the heart of Texas can you pick apples?!?  

Frankly, it may be time to drive our way up to Louisburg, KS.

Fall fun for all

Well, it's October and I have so many things I want to do for fun this Fall.  Of course we will make our annual trip the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound.  I can honestly say that it is one of our favorite places to go.  Why?  It is all that Fall is in this magnificent place where you secretly feel a little bit of envy at the beautiful home they live in and the way that they live.  And then you go home and appreciate that you don't have to do all of that work.  Seriously.

And then, this year I have decided that I want to go to an Apple Orchard and pick apples and make something fun and yummy.  Pies, apple butter, baked apples...YUM!
This will at least show you what I mean.  I think this is the only orchard around, that I can find anyway.  I want to go there next week.  Larry will be out of town and has zero interest in the apple picking adventure.  So, if you want to do something a little different and don't mind the cost of the gas to get there...let's go.

What else?  Well, we have our Fall Carnival at school this weekend that should be lots of fun.  I am in charge of this little thing, so I am actually really looking forward to it being finished.  :)  It looks like everything is coming together really well, so I am now just hoping that we raise lots of money for the school.  

What do you do for fun in the change of seasons?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a day! OH IT'S A LONG ONE!!!

So, I have to say that this has been one of the most tender days for me.  It started with Sacrament meeting this morning when the newest baby Boyd was blessed.  Add to that one of the sweetest Fast and Testimony meetings I have been in.  And then some sweet baby time with a Wilson twin baby.  (Todd, we are starting to tell them apart)  And Relief Society was a great reminder of what to hold onto in times of trial.  I had the chance to visit with a sweet friend who has been on my mind.  It turns out that I was not wrong to be concerned and I was glad to catch up with her.

And then tonight!  We had what turned out to be a Stake Adult Fireside.  I thought it was just a ward thing where the bishop might talk to us about our young men and the trials they are facing, but when I pulled in there were far too many cars for that.  It was very sweet.  President Dalquist, the Young Men's General President, was here from Salt Lake and gave a very important talk.  There were so many things shared but I wanted to just touch on a few points that he made that I hope to incorporate into my family.

First he started with a quote: "Stand close together and lift where you are."  Now, that was a quote referring to moving a piano that no one could get to move but the implications run much deeper and I appreciate its reference, particularly when I think of my family.  He spoke of three main things:  Strengthening the home, strengthening the Kingdom, and Saving the Boy.  He mentioned a book that I want to pick up that just came out by Elder Holland called "Broken Things to Mend".  He pointed out that we, as parents, are often guilty of being the patsy in our homes because we are too afraid of offending our children or interfering with their right to be themselves. That we are too often relenting to things in the grey area because we don't want to upset them.  I know that I am guilty of that, with many people in fact.  Another important thing that I was moved by was the idea that our children must never question our faith.  A reference was made that the cost is too high and may not reveal itself for a generation or two, but that there must be absolutely no question of how we feel about our Father in Heaven and what we are here to do, of what we believe.  These children must know beyond doubt who we are.  I am also guilty of walking a line of belief that has been questioned before as some of you know.  I know that my children must have had their questions about my own faith from time to time and that is something that I must work on.

He gave us a challenge that I extend to you as well.  He asked us to spend some time this week and sit down with a pad of paper and a pen and ask ourselves what we can do to strengthen our families.  He said that there would be usual suspects...all of those things that we know we are already not doing...but he did say that one of the most important things is Family Home Evening.  Every Monday night.  

He said a lot of things that are helpful and sweet and he wants us to be mindful of three main things.  1.  To make sure that these youth know that they are loved.  2.  That they know that they are sons and daughters of God.  and 3.  That we KNOW.  That we know the truth of the gospel and who we are in it.

I have been so touched today, and all week since Conference I suppose.  I have learned so many sweet lessons and thought of how blessed we are.  I am reminded at these times that I wish so much that they were feelings and beliefs that Larry and I share, though he is incredibly supportive.  I think I mostly just wish that he could have this same comfort.  I wish that for everyone that I love.  

That's all for now from my "Gospel Minute", this is Heather Ganson saying Good night and Be of Good Cheer.  :)  (just me laughing at myself at this hour)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Do!

Had to get the hair done today and I told my sweet Sabrina that she could do whatever she wanted.  (as long as I like it, of course)  And this is what she did!  What do you think?!  I have to get used to it, but I think I love it!  It's dark and shorter but fiesty!  Teehee!!!  It's fun to have big changes sometimes.  Wahoo!

P.S.  I know that it is REALLY dark.  You have to remember that it fades in just a matter of days.  We didn't pick colors based solely on what it would look like today...more for what it will look like in 2 weeks.  It's the price you pay for blonding it up as many times as I have.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Makes me dizzy!

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My, my, how the time hath flown...

Is it October already!  I love this time of year, but I particularly love it because we get to celebrate three of our favorite things: Kimball and Kaden's birthdays, and Halloween!  It is strange to say, but Kimball turns 12 and Kaden is turning 9!  Let's take a look back, shall we?

I am sifting through more pictures to post a little slide show later, or tomorrow, depending on how tired I am.  I love those little faces, whose faces are not so little anymore.  I can't begin to detail all of the amazing things that are happening on a daily basis around here.  Larry is home and I can't tell you how happy that makes all of us.  We had an incredible night at my parent's last night.  You will have to check out Amber's blog for some really great pictures and thoughts.  (I couldn't have said it better myself, sister)  Conference was inspiring in simple ways.  We had a delicious thunderstorm tonight and rain that lasted all day, forcing us to just hang out at home and enjoy.  We made a fabulous "Larry" dinner and played board games.  The kids were in bed by 8:30 and now I am reminiscing over these little creatures.  And then there's Kimball who has just walked down the stairs and asked me to tuck him and talk for a bit.  I guess they aren't too big just yet.  :)

More later.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack (think creepy music in the background)

So.  The king has returned to his stoop here at our home.  In the short time, as in just more than 24 hours, since his return he has gone to Costco and Target, gotten the car washed, been to the spa for 2 hours, hit the bank and washed about 4 loads of laundry.  He has been on a candle run and cleaned out the fridge.  Can I just say that I am so grateful for a dutiful and even obsessive husband who seems to crave the work, or more likely is so revolted by the idea of all of these things not being done that he is forced to them before he can relax.  And then!!!  It was a night of new television last night, which makes my heart light with a little bit of guilty pleasureness.  :)  Overall, a good 24 hours, if I do say so myself.  (and I think I do)

Oh!  And officially it is taco bar night tomorrow night.  You know who you are.  You know you are welcome.  And someone WILL pick up tortillas from Kroger on the way.