Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall fun for all

Well, it's October and I have so many things I want to do for fun this Fall.  Of course we will make our annual trip the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound.  I can honestly say that it is one of our favorite places to go.  Why?  It is all that Fall is in this magnificent place where you secretly feel a little bit of envy at the beautiful home they live in and the way that they live.  And then you go home and appreciate that you don't have to do all of that work.  Seriously.

And then, this year I have decided that I want to go to an Apple Orchard and pick apples and make something fun and yummy.  Pies, apple butter, baked apples...YUM!
This will at least show you what I mean.  I think this is the only orchard around, that I can find anyway.  I want to go there next week.  Larry will be out of town and has zero interest in the apple picking adventure.  So, if you want to do something a little different and don't mind the cost of the gas to get there...let's go.

What else?  Well, we have our Fall Carnival at school this weekend that should be lots of fun.  I am in charge of this little thing, so I am actually really looking forward to it being finished.  :)  It looks like everything is coming together really well, so I am now just hoping that we raise lots of money for the school.  

What do you do for fun in the change of seasons?


  1. Hm... I am tempted by this apple orchard idea of yours! What day might you be going? Tuesdays are always the best days for me. Let me know what you decide.

  2. Where is it that you go. I might want to go with you. How much do the apples cost, is it worth it?

  3. I am thinking Tuesday would be great. If you follow the link there in the post you will see the place where we will go with the directions and info. I don't know their pricing yet, but we could call tomorrow. :)
