Thursday, October 2, 2008

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack (think creepy music in the background)

So.  The king has returned to his stoop here at our home.  In the short time, as in just more than 24 hours, since his return he has gone to Costco and Target, gotten the car washed, been to the spa for 2 hours, hit the bank and washed about 4 loads of laundry.  He has been on a candle run and cleaned out the fridge.  Can I just say that I am so grateful for a dutiful and even obsessive husband who seems to crave the work, or more likely is so revolted by the idea of all of these things not being done that he is forced to them before he can relax.  And then!!!  It was a night of new television last night, which makes my heart light with a little bit of guilty pleasureness.  :)  Overall, a good 24 hours, if I do say so myself.  (and I think I do)

Oh!  And officially it is taco bar night tomorrow night.  You know who you are.  You know you are welcome.  And someone WILL pick up tortillas from Kroger on the way. 


  1. Yeah, that invite is cuz he hung up on me isnt it!!:) Too bad I cant be there, we are going on a full fledged date...well sort of! Some people in our ward have a shooting range, so they invited tons of couples from the ward out for dinner and some shooting...obviously hubby signed us up for that one, but given recent 'decisions' around here, I sort of owe it to him ya know! Thanks though, I got the message:) Happy clean house, and as always, when he gets bored, we have a place.......

  2. I wanna go to the spa for 2 hours! And, hmmm taco bar! DANG. I have a photoshoot. Stupid responsibility. lame

  3. Humpgh! No Amber? No Kristen? Taco Bar night?!? What is this world coming to? Mom??? Lindsey? Michelle? Will everyone be too busy for taco bar? :) More for me.

  4. I want taco bar!! Can't we save it for Sunday? Mike and I have plans tomorrow night too. :( I love taco bar.....
    Mike and I checked out the new Lifetime Fitness by our house tonight. Ohhhhhhh the temptation!!! It's lovely! Ours even has a really cool yoga and pilates studio that I was particularly interested in...not because I'm a pro at either but moreso because I am not a pro... I'd love to learn. Too cool!

  5. Hi Cousin! I just read your comment on my blog at Cousin Lucy's Spoon, and I'm so impressed that you found time to notice Moshe Eli Caplan's photo there! You can email me at savtadotty [at] gmail [dot] com.
