Monday, October 6, 2008

My, my, how the time hath flown...

Is it October already!  I love this time of year, but I particularly love it because we get to celebrate three of our favorite things: Kimball and Kaden's birthdays, and Halloween!  It is strange to say, but Kimball turns 12 and Kaden is turning 9!  Let's take a look back, shall we?

I am sifting through more pictures to post a little slide show later, or tomorrow, depending on how tired I am.  I love those little faces, whose faces are not so little anymore.  I can't begin to detail all of the amazing things that are happening on a daily basis around here.  Larry is home and I can't tell you how happy that makes all of us.  We had an incredible night at my parent's last night.  You will have to check out Amber's blog for some really great pictures and thoughts.  (I couldn't have said it better myself, sister)  Conference was inspiring in simple ways.  We had a delicious thunderstorm tonight and rain that lasted all day, forcing us to just hang out at home and enjoy.  We made a fabulous "Larry" dinner and played board games.  The kids were in bed by 8:30 and now I am reminiscing over these little creatures.  And then there's Kimball who has just walked down the stairs and asked me to tuck him and talk for a bit.  I guess they aren't too big just yet.  :)

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Were they really that small such a short time ago?? Wow... fun to look at old pictures of the kiddos!
