Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May Day

So.  May?  Really?  I feel as if I keep saying the same thing here, but how has another month slipped by?  It was a busy, productive, happy month...though you would not know that by my lack of updates or photos.  Or perhaps, the lack indicates just how busy and productive we have been.  Either way, I can't believe it is May.  In the month of May our littlest will turn 4 years old.  That one is a little...much.  I love this age she is and continue to feel such gratitude for her.  I am seeing some big changes in all of the children actually.  We are a mere 6 weeks to the end of this school year which closes out 3rd grade, 4th grade and 7th grade.  That means: a 4th grader, a 5th grader and an 8th grader.  There is something so, so strange about that.
We have some busy days ahead of us with birthdays and Mother's day and the always important last day of school.  The children are all a little disgusted that they ONLY get 70 days off.  I know.  I am thinking...they get 70 days?!?!?!  What will do to fill up those days?  Hopefully there will be a little travel, a little beach time a lot of family fun and even some relaxation.  These last 6 weeks of school will fly by and they will be thrilled to be home.  (at least for the first few days)  I foresee time swimming, dance classes, baseball, scouting and crafting.  Larry is set to be home at this point, but we never know.  He is in New York this week for Oprah, after that?  You never can tell.  The kids keep asking me if he will do the London Olympics and if he does will we move there because they don't want to be away from him again...they are nervous evidently.  There is no talk of London at this point, so we will just shelve that one for now.

I should surely have more stories to share and updates to give, but it is too beautiful out to sit here at this computer.  I have new window screens going in as we speak and then the windows will sit open for the remainder of this gorgeous day.  (my jasmine smells divine right now)  So, enjoy your day!  More soon!

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