Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer is a comin'

So much happening these days.  Birthday parties, school ending, pools opening.  So much!  I happened upon this site today and I have a feeling that you may like it too.  Take a gander and see what you might do with your kids for the summer.  We have talked about this before.  We have come up with ideas.  Now, I know that we all just want to be at the beach.  I got that part.  But, just pretend for a moment that we can't get to the beach this summer...pretend being the operative word because I fully intend on getting there somehow...anyway...pretend and let's see what fun we can have right here at home.  That whole "staycation" concept is hanging on.  Thoughts?

30days: Summer "{home}School"

I particularly like this idea.  I imagine this would be a great family project.  What else?

I have found these websites very helpful for our area.  Check your local area for sites like these.

Playin' Around Town - Home

Know of anymore sites we should be visiting?  Share please!
And for crying out loud, post something on your blogs people!  Seriously.

And for the love of everything holy, does anyone know how to get rid of that "read more" button?  It drives me crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Your jump break setting is turned on which causes the Read More to pop up. Disable that and you're good to go. Hope you feel better soon!
