Friday, June 29, 2012

Almost July

It is dreadfully hot here these days.  It is the kind of heat that prompts one to move North.  The kind of heat that even a pool cannot redeem.  If you are following along you will see that I am making changes and additions to my little nook of cyberspace.  I decided that if this is to serve as my journal then I will use it as much as possible.  It is kind of fun actually.  I will post more photos and share more stories as well as try to recapture old memories fading away with time.  It seems that once I start remembering and writing things down I often have an avalanche of memories that I simply can't type fast enough to save.   Comments are welcome, of course, but remember that this is all subjective.  My memories are hazy and I have come to learn often incorrect.  I will work to clarify them.  Thanks for stopping by!

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