Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer has officially begun!

I love Saturdays again.  During the school year Saturdays are usually reduced to being the day you run around to catch up from the rest of the week.  Not today.  Today has been filled with birthday parties, swimming, family over for shrimp boil and maybe even some fireworks.  (can't promise that we will head out for the fireworks...have to be up early to take Larry to the airport to head to Russia to start work on the next Winter Olympics)

Let me go back a few hours though and follow up on last night's sulking.  The interesting thing about coming to that place where you realize that you have no idea what you are doing and you have no real control over what is coming is that you can let go and find your faith/ trust/ hope in whatever keeps you going, Heavenly Father in our house, and know that it is all in His hands.  Don't get me wrong, I am a blessed woman.  I have an amazing family and incredible kids and most of the time I think I kind of rock too.  I can say that because it's true.  The moments when I doubt that are the moments when I get tired.  And then I look at real struggle and loss and crisis and remember that I am in a good place and thank God for that blessing!  So, I am in a new place of growth with my family again and I have a lot to learn and a long way to go.  I am happy to be able to say that though.  This next phase of our lives will bring its own kind of struggles and now is the time for me to get things in order, keep my family close and simplify.  This week I was in a meeting for a church position I have, I am a counselor in our Relief Society which is our women's organization...more at if that has gone right over your head.  Anyway, I was in this meeting and we were talking about personal ministry and what could we possibly bring to our sisters' lives that would help all of us unify our families and strengthen our homes.  That is no small thing.  A scripture was quoted that I fell in love with instantly.  It is a scripture I have heard many times but this time meant something different.  It is found in the Doctrine and Covenants, which is a book of scripture containing "revelations from the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith"...seriously, is SO much better at this than I am.  Bear with me.  
So, this scripture can be found here:  Doctrine and Covenants 101 
But in the interest of convenience, here ya go:

D&C 101:16  Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine ahands; be still and bknow that I am God.

So much is said in that one verse.  Essentially it says to relax...He's got this.  Be still!!!  I love that phrase.  How much are we trying to do in our lives and forgetting to give time to our faith and to ourselves?  

I know that we all have our own versions of faith and what we believe in or don't believe in, but the common threads are there.  We want to be a little better every day.  We want to love our families and take care of each other.  Some want to honor their God and some to honor the glory that is in themselves.  I am taking a look at my list and I am going to find the way to Be Still.  There is so much to learn there.  

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