Sunday, June 24, 2012

Proud Mama Moment: Indulge Me

This just came to me from one of Kaden's Scout leaders and I just need to document it.  You are free to share in my happy mama moment...they are to be treasured as we don't usually hear about the good things they do...:)

From one of his leaders:  "I've updated Kaden's PDF file that I keep on him for Scouting and am attaching it to this email. He did very well at Scout Camp. Being our Sr. Patrol Leader, and this being his first time at camp he did extremly well. Kaden has a great attitude an gets along very well with the young men. He attended the Sr. Patrol Leader Meetings daily and was a great leader/example for the young men. During the Scout Camp week we had a testimony meeting on Tuesday evening. Kaden gave a humble testimony of the gospel and of Christ. I came across this quote while I was in the mission field (we won't say how many years ago that was :-) ) and it always reminds me to think of Christ as I learn more about him each also helps me in working with the young men as they are always teaching and showing me new goes like this..."Coming to know a person is like the careful study of an intricate and beautiful diamond. As we see into one facet, others are illuminated and made clear, thus gradually, one facet at a time, we come to appreciate and love the whole man".

Thanks for all of your support. You have a great son!!! He's doing very well as our Sr. Patrol Leader and Deacon's Quorum President."

We are still not sure how we got this kid.  He certainly has his flaws but he has a huge heart.  He is six months away from starting his Eagle project and that is ALL his own doing.  I am incredibly proud of him and proud to get to be his mom.  

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