Thursday, June 27, 2013


As I expected, response to yesterday's events has been mixed.  Interestingly though, it has also proven a tiny bit divisive as well.  I can only speak from what I know, from my own experience, so it needs to be understood that I do not speak for anyone but myself.  Facebook is a funny thing in times like these.  Some make quiet comments, some make sweeping judgements. There is, in my perspective, a sense that if you say anything that might smell like controversy then you must not have enough faith. You must not be strong enough to withstand the "tempters snare". In our faith we honor something called "The Family Proclamation".  You can find it here:

Family proclamation

It is where we, in our faith, stand about the nature of families.  I believe every word of it.  I do.  I also believe that the world does not believe that they have to think as we do on just about anything, let alone marriage.  I believe that the only way to promote acceptance is to accept that not everyone believes the way you do, moreover, the way that you think they should.  Now before this turns into something bigger than intended, it should be understood that I have accepted that I am on the more liberal, a word I despise, side of Mormonism.  I absolutely love being a member of this church and being counted, even in the smallest of ways, among these good people.  Sadly, some of those good people aren't as good as we think they are but that is true of any and every population and culture.  Being in a family with one parent actively pursuing this faith and one that isn't has many challenges and it forces you to really decide what you believe.  We are part of an entertainment family as well so living on the line between the two worlds has been challenging at times.  Well, it used to be.  I no longer fear what others might think of my faith.  Conversely, I no longer fear the differences.  No matter what faith or philosophy you prescribe to it is important, in the world according to Heather, to remember that we all got here the same way and we all leave the same way.  In my faith we are all children of God, loved individually and wholly by a loving Father in Heaven.  I believe that same God loves each and every one of us no matter who we are.  With that knowledge I can know and celebrate that I do not get to or need to pass judgement on anyone.  Ever.  I don't want to be judged or liked or disliked based on my actions or beliefs any more than the next guy does.  Debates over right and wrong will never cease.  The good news is that there will always be someone else to rage those battles with great zeal and fervor.  I have to teach my children to love all, to be compassionate, to serve and to honor their lives in a way that would be pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  I believe that to be the challenge of a lifetime.  How do you teach love and acceptance in a time when we want so much to label and condemn? There is so much more to this debate and the historical implications than I know.  I get that.  That is the beauty of knowing that you don't know as much as you think you do.  That is the genius of life.  There is always something to be learned.

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