Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big day

Needless to say today has been newsworthy.  Well, maybe it should be said.  DOMA and Prop 8 were killed.  I am in the small percentage of my faith that did not agree with any of that initiative.  I understand what it was about and what we thought we were doing.  I think a lot of people believed with all of their hearts that they were doing the "right thing".  I've struggled with the treatment of homosexuality in general, much less when it is veiled with Faith as an excuse. Now before you start spewing your shock at me...let me clarify.  We, as a nation, have not protected the "sanctity" of marriage for a very long time.  Anyone can get married.  You can hate each other and get married.  You can get married for money or power.  You can marry and divorce at will...well, most of us could.  Marriage, as defined and protected by government is more like a business transaction, so to speak.  The sanctity comes from those who say "I do". I don't pretend to understand anything about what drives a person's sexual preference. Not. A.  Clue.  I do know what love is though and if you can have that in this life and it brings you joy then be happy! Celebrate that for each other. Promote that joy.  I know that it can be hard to embrace something that you don't understand.  Historically we have tried to control that with legislation and then stood behind the flag to justify our own ignorance.  Life is too hard to have to defend yourself from your own neighbors and family.  People are awesome! Those people you shy away from because you don't understand them??? Sometimes, the ones you shy away from are the most interesting, loving, committed, loyal people you will know and that involves the shy, the nerdy, the artistic, the outrageous and anyone who lives a life that might not measure up to what you think it should be.  For me it's not about who you's about how well you love.  I am sure that there will be all sorts of response on both sides of this and that is great! Choose your happiness and let's get on with letting others do the same.

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