Wednesday, June 19, 2013


What's really funny about that is that I didn't even put my house on the market.  In my world, I am picking paint colors, waiting for appraisals to come back and, for some reason, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.  This round of home selling/ buying has not been short on drama, that's for sure.  This all started with someone asking me if I was interested in their home.  They came to me.  Remember that statement.  In fairness, I had reached out to them over a year ago when we thought we might sell because I loved their back yard.  I had long since let that go though.  We had solidly settled in to our little corner of suburbia and had no thought of looking at other houses.  None.  Sure, I have a compulsive addiction to looking at homes for sale online, but I knew that we were home.  Or I thought I did.  Delicately, I mentioned this concept to the husband and showed him some pictures, fully prepared to say no to all of the above. He was intrigued.  Intrigued enough to go see it.  Yep.  Shocked me too.  Cut to the walk through of said house and I am still thinking...he is never gonna go for this...needs too much work.  And again...I am shocked as he says he wants to try.  If you have not followed the real estate drama in our world you might not get the full weight of this.  Trust's huge.

Several days pass and several minor miracles occur that seem to be pointing us with laser precision to buying this home.  We decide to get our home ready to sell.  We mention it to a few people.  We are about to list it.  I get a phone call from a very sweet lady who is interested in looking at our house.  (she heard about it from a very good friend who we adore)  I hesitate because I am still thinking that there is NO way that this is all happening.  And yet, the excitement continues and we show this family our home.  Twice.  We decide to move forward on selling our home and buying this other.  We knew that it needed work but, WOW, we were not prepared for the lengthy inspection report and numerous concerns that seemed to trickle in like a leaky faucet that NO ONE could figure out how to stop.  The crazy kids we are though...we were undaunted.  It felt destined.  (silly me)  We make an offer.  We accept an offer on our house.  We move forward thinking that it was all just meant to be.  And wasn't.  Remember that bit about how they came to us?  Long story short...negotiations failed on the house we did not seek out.  We had hit a place that we simply could not responsibly continue.  The drama hit its high point that day.  We had sold our beloved home.  Sold. Under contract.  Did you know that as a buyer you can generally get out of a contract for a myriad of reasons?  Did you also know that as a seller you cannot? can't.  Panic set in and we were not sure what would happen next.

As if hand picked for us a little whisper of a possibility came across my screen in my frantic search for any possible solution.  First day on market.  One owner.  Pool.  No pictures online.  Leap. of. faith.  We set up a showing for that afternoon.  Walking into the back yard of this property was, well...let's put it this way...a thousand pounds of worry melted away just by opening that gate.  Another long story short...we liked it.  We made an offer.  They said yes.  No counter offer.  Just accepted.  Yes...choirs of angels are singing...minor issues have continued as is usually the case in big purchases like this.  When I am asked about it I say something to the effect of "I'll believe it when the contracts are signed and executed" because I know well that anything could happen.  It usually does.

The upside...we feel better.  This home is no more or less than our family many ways it seems made for us.  It needs a few of our touches but all in all this family has loved this home just as we have loved ours.  You can see that in all that they have done.  So wildly grateful for a good friend and realtor walking/ carrying us through this process.  She has put up with our real estate drama for far too long.  I hope that we never have to move again...though even as I say that I know well that anything can happen.

The other shoe?  Still waiting for that one.  Not sure if it's just nerves or a hunch or indigestion but I hear the pitter patter of that other shoe getting closer...or maybe I am just hearing things.

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