Thursday, June 20, 2013

Choice and accountability

 Picking paint colors...I spent some time in Sherwin Williams today searching for just the right combination of colors for our new house.  Mind you, I tend to stay in the cooler neutrals but Kyra was pretty sure that I was way to boring with my color choices.  She said red.  I said no.  Meeting with contractors in the morning to go over and price a few things that we want to do.  It occurs to me at this late hour that I am still not quite sure if this is all going to come together.  I am pressing forward and having faith...I am...but it all just feels strange lately.  Admittedly, it's summer and I just want to play so the work is likely starting to irritate me just a little.  (not that I have ANY room to complain!  I drove by crews of men working on our roads today in the heat and just felt awful for them)  Which brings me to a sore spot may find it ironic as I was just complaining about this but I am finding myself more and more frustrated with the lack of work ethic in the young people in my home.  Actually, it's not just work ethic...I think it even goes into loyalty.  When I ask one of them to do something, it needs to be understood that it's more of a rhetorical question with the express intent of the task being completed by that person.  It's not actually a question that needs answering other than "of course I will" or "anything else you need me to do" or even just a "yes ma'am".  The thing is that I have seen them all work hard.  I have seen each of them put their minds to something and be incredible.  I have also had to refrain from yanking one of them out of the very chair they sit in when they look at me and say "can I do it tomorrow" or "can't you get someone else to do it".  I have read a number of articles and had even more chats about this subject with the husband, friends and family.  The answer is always the same...put them to work.

"Fewer and fewer parents ask their children to do chores around the house because they think they are already overwhelmed by social and academic pressures. But children devoid of responsibilities risk never learning that every individual can be of service and that life has meaning beyond their own happiness." H. David Burton

How did we all have time for chores and homework and church commitments and extracurriculars and play when we were kids?  As I start looking at scheduling for a new school year, yes this is early for me, I struggle to strike a balance between schedules and childhood.  I want them to imagine.  Play.  Grow.  Relax.  Notice.  Empathize.  Work.  Laugh.  Read.  Mess up.  Fix it.  Build lasting relationships at home and with friends.  And somewhere in all of that I want them to do well in school and find something they love to do.  I came across this cute quote from one of my favorite ladies:

Simplify.  Simplify.  Simplify.

So...with that in mind...I officially declare Summer 2013 the Summer of Simple.  Ice cream, watermelon, swimming, reading, museums, movies, popcorn, rest and lots of play.  Of course we will make a big move in the middle of that but it is my goal to have this be an adventure for each of our children in one way or another.  Of course teaching them an appreciation of hard work will somehow sneak its way in there too.  (that stresses me out just typing it)  

For now...sleep is calling.  Find something simple to do that will bring you great joy and DO IT...don't pin it or facebook it or vine it or instagram it or even myspace, if you still have that...actually make it happen.  I know I aim to.

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