Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fun times!

It's summer. It has been so nice to sit back without a schedule for the last two days, but I can tell already that I will have to be a little more proactive with my summer entertaining for the children. They got a little buggy today. In fact, lots of children that found their way to our house got a little buggy today. I don't think they know what to do with themselves just yet.

So, I had a couple of funny things to share that made me laugh. One was about Kimball. Two nights ago he came down at around 10:45 and said that he was ready to go to bed and could I come up and talk to him for a few minutes. (which translates loosely to "can you tuck me in?") I ask where Kaden is and he tell me that he had fallen asleep in the playroom and that...get this...Kimball had taken him to his bed. I just thought that was about the sweetest thing ever. The image of Kimball getting Kaden to his bed is rather sweet. And second, another about Kimball...he lost a tooth last night. Now, at first I was nervous as I didn't realize that they had more teeth to lose. But, in fact, they have 12 more to lose. 12! This was the first of his last baby teeth to come out before all of his adult teeth come in. I thought that was something of a moment. Big boy!

Ok, and now Kierstin and Kyra. They have become quite the pair lately. They play together. Kyra has Kierstin repeating everything she says. She is teaching her to spell. Well, repeat the letters she says anyway. Kierstin also has this silly habit now of wanting popsicles all the time. She knows where they are and has figured out how to get them herself. The first time she did it I thought it was funny. I think I even blogged about it. But now, it is getting ridiculous. It is the first thing she goes for in the morning. When I tell her no, we have a little fit. When I tell he yes, or when Kyle gets one for her, she does a little dance. Here are some pictures of Kyra sharing her ice cream with an actually really grouchy Kierstin this week. Grouchy unless Kyra is sharing her ice cream with her.

Oh, and here is a new opinion question: Do you think that I should venture into a new fun and creative business or focus that extra attention on school? I can certainly do both, while that would mean I would have to be moderate in all areas for a bit as that would be a lot to take on. On the other hand, it would give me a chance to work for myself and with a good friend on our schedules while also building toward the future. I am not sure where to go at this hour but I will let you know how it goes. Any thoughts?


  1. I can't keep up with you! What's the business? Who's the friend?

  2. School. Always, School!!!

    And those pictures are so cute of Kyra and Kierstin. Fun times.

    Go to school!
