Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Still 3 I think

So, it is Wednesday, day 3 and I am having to own the fact that my "leaning into it" is a little more like blowing in the wind, swaying with the breeze kind of thing. I mean, still up and careful and learning and excited...but also a little less full steam ahead and more like tread water another day. Help is coming though. School is out tomorrow. Can I get a HOORAY!!! I mean, it means Full time Mom and Wife and Housecleaner (by myself, by the way as Larry has decided that we should take the summer off with the whole paid housecleaning thing)...wait, who am I kidding...I never clean by myself, I have Larry. Anyway. Full time ALL. And, it is hot here.

H O T!

Yuck. I can see why people move to more moderate climates like Phoenix or Vegas. Heehee.

So, school gets out and we are out of schedules for a bit. No baseball. No soccer. No school. Just cheer and piano and play. I am really happy about it though. Catch me on day 10 of summer vacation and we'll see if my sentiment is the same.

It's past my bedtime and I do have pictures to share tomorrow so I will check back in.


Oh, by the way, this means that Kimball is now in Middle School. That. I am so not ready for.


  1. Middle school, wow! Have fun with that! Boys in middle school are no fun!
    Yea for summer. Too bad gas prices are so high, we'll all be swimming in our own pools by ourselves!

  2. I don't know if you've ever been to Phoenix, but it's pretty freaking hot there too... not humid, but 110 degrees sucks any way you look at it. Ahhh air conditioning!
    Keep on trucking with that cleanse... it'll be quite the accomplishment. And rock on for summer!

  3. Hi! My name is Brittany Ganson and I randomly came across this blog...totally left field question, but we may be related!? My father is Gary Ganson and I know I have a few older half-brothers that I met when I was very young. Could Larry be one of them?! Again, totally random, but if so and you'd like to get in touch, my email is Either way, cute blog and what a great way to keep in touch w/friends and family!
