Monday, June 2, 2008


So, I have been actively reading. I am nearly all the way through the book and that is an accomplishment in and of itself. I decided to start the cleanse part last night with just eliminating caffeine and sugar and bread. Big, right? Well, when I woke up this morning after lots of sleep, I felt ready to take on the whole thing. No sugar, caffeine, alcohol (easy), gluten (bread) and animal products. Now, obviously, the animal product was the last one on the list to add and, really, no big deal. Come to think of it, it has been a pretty easy day. I did not get a headache. HUGE. I drank lots of water and had my E7, thanks Kassi, and actually enjoyed "eating consciously". That is the point, well, one of the points. To be aware of where your food comes from and who is harmed, or not harmed, in the process. Admittedly, there is a bit of "higher thinking" involved that I have not yet understood, but I mean, I get it. I don't think I quite grasp the idea of the 'energy of the animal and the cruelty' and all being passed onto me as I eat a steak, or chicken or eggs...I think they are mistreated and it's a terrible industry...but I do think that in many cases the people who are picking the fruits and veggies that we eat are not treated well either and that makes me wonder if she thinks that their negative energy gets passed on as well...see what I mean. Some of it is over my head, but 85% of it is just perfect. Here are the 8 Pillars:

meditation visualization fun activities conscious eating exercise self-work spiritual practice service

Now meditation is not something I get just yet, though I see definite value in. Visualization is eluding me so far as well. But the rest of it I really get. And like she says, just lean into it. It doesn't have to be all at once, and it is less about weight loss than it is about whole wellness. It's one thing to be ok, it's quite another to be truly well. So, I ate well today. I had some fun. I am in a constant state of self-work and I have served. I spent some time on spiritual practice today as well. Exercise was not had today, and honestly, I was a little sad that I didn't get to it. For the first time in a long while, I actually wanted to. It's a funny thing really. But here I am and I am going to try to use momentum to keep this going and make some real changes. I keep saying that, I know. Let's just be optimistic and believe that it will happen and not be self defeating about it, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. I saw that episode of Oprah! I can't say I totally buy into all of it, but if that's what has you motivated, then rock on, Sista! Did you see the episode with all of the people who lost tons of weight? Talk about motivation!! I was inspired by the five sisters who all lost a bunch of weight together. If it helps, Mike and I are already losing weight and feeling fantastic! Maybe the Whelan sisters can be on Oprah one day... :)
