Monday, September 29, 2008

Homework, cookies and laundry

Imagine, if you will, a night like many others, a calming ending to a busy day of school, baseball practice and cleaning in preparation for the King to return.  Things moved along well and for what seemed to be one perfect moment, the stars aligned and the children all got along and took care of all of the business of the day without so much as a baby fit.  We did coin a new phrase today, by the way.  As the children were sent off to their various tasks of cleaning and such, I instructed them to clean "daddy style...not kid style".  That produced various simultaneous groans and giggles as they knew instantly what that meant for them...more work.

So, we did what had to be done and at the end of this busy day Kaden went to work on a frustrating set of words all starting with sta- that he had to alphabetize.  It would seem that the kitchen counter where I was making a new chocolate chip cookie recipe was just the place to go for it.

So, homework finished, chocolate chip cookies baked and cooled (almost) and eaten and we head of to finish watching "Dancing with the Stars" when Kierstin comes in with clean pajamas to put on.  Uh huh.  I was thrilled by her little move and found it cute that she had gone into my room and found the piles of clean clothes all folded and waiting to be put away and chose just the pair of pj's she wanted to sleep in.  Until just this moment when I walked into my room to fold another load of laundry. See exhibit A below.

Exhibit A!!!!
All of the delicately folded clothes from my industrious afternoon had ended up on the floor in her quest for comfort.  As cute as she is and as much fun as folding laundry is for me, and you know I love it, this was an amusing find!


  1. Hmm, I am still salivating over home made choc chip cookies...and clean laundry..and Larry coming home..what a great few days!! Happy cleaning!

  2. And that is why Kierstin is your favorite! Haha!
    By the way, Cayla (hair Cayla) says hi. And she gave me great hair again. Wahoo!
    And I need to know who of your children is coming to the circus with us so that we can get the tickets.
    And... ok that's all. See ya!
